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Friday, April 24, 2020

bin Laden wanted to kill Obama so 'totally unprepared' Biden would be president

Usama bin Laden wanted to assassinate then-President Barack Obama so that the "totally unprepared" Joe Biden would take over as president and plunge the United States "into a crisis," according to documents seized from bin Laden's Pakistan compound when he was killed in May 2011.

The secretive documents, first reported in 2012 by The Washington Post, outlined a plan to take out Obama and top U.S. military commander David Petraeus as they traveled by plane.

“The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make [Vice President] Biden take over the presidency," bin Laden wrote to a top deputy. "Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis. As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour ... and killing him would alter the war's path" in Afghanistan.




  1. He would not kill his best buddy !!!

  2. I did not like

    but, that's some serious chit to say or try to do

  3. Just think how great this country would be today if he'd got off his ass and did this!

    1. Yes, it most certainly would have been helpful to American

  4. so bin dumbo actually thought obummer was prepared? shows how f'n stupid those ragheads are!

  5. Hic* I'll drink to that.

  6. Just imagine Biden as POTUS , full of Dementia !!! Scary !!! Sleepy !!!


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