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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Biden: "I Can Hardly Wait" To Debate Trump, "I Am Looking Forward To It"

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks to CNN's Anderson Cooper ahead of Super Tuesday voting. Biden criticized Bloomberg as not a real Democrat and said he can spend a billion dollars but can't move away from his record.

COOPER: Michael Bloomberg spoke to CNN's Don Lemon about you. And I wanted to play just a bit of what he said so you can respond.


MICHAEL BLOOMBERG (D), FORMER MAYOR OF NEW YORK, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He is a legislator. And the job requires a manager, an executive. And I feel very strongly about that.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: He was the vice president. Obama thought he was ready. You don't think he's ready?

BLOOMBERG: Obama thought he was ready for what?

LEMON: He was his vice president. He was ready to be president. That's the next job.

BLOOMBERG: I don't know, you'd have to talk to President Obama about that. All I know is we keep putting legislators in the job that requires a manager.


COOPER: Is he right? Is this a job that requires a manager and are you manager?

BIDEN: It requires somebody who has gotten things done. It requires someone who understands how to bring people together. It requires a Democrat, by the way, to be a Democratic president. And it requires someone who has a track record. And the president handed me significant responsibility and presidential authority when I was the vice president.

I'm the guy that managed the $900 billion Recovery Act. I got the votes for it and I got it passed as well as then I managed it day-to-day. I did the same thing on a number of foreign policy issues. It needs someone who knows something about foreign policy.



  1. In his DREAMS !!!

  2. NO, WE can Hardly WAIT !!! Better than SNL baby !!! Bring it !!!

    1. You are not kidding. It is going to be great. God Bless President Trump...

  3. He's thoughts are like a fruit cake. Squirrel. Did I take my medicine yet? If I don't remember it never happened. Your hair smells nice. Democrat!

  4. Biden seem to have a problem with his explanations. They differ so much from the question and flare off into fantasy. Geez, I hate to see him negotiating with Russia. Probably have to have the meeting in Disney world.

  5. does he think Jill will do all the talking

  6. The babbling village idiot. Can we for a moment imagine Hillary endorsing this Bozo for the position she has coveted and feels is righteously hers?

  7. When he was a child he did and said childish things, he’s saying them now because once again he is a child! He needs to be in a nursing home not as a president. The problem is his own family and party do not care about him, they have no candidate.

  8. They better make sure his earpiece is on well so they can feed him remarks, otherwise he is toast. It will at least be entertaining. I think he likes the taste of his own feet, LOL!

  9. Plugs will lose BIGLY

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Subsequent to his being devastated by the master, the media will manipulate the fiasco and make it look like a victory for Biden. Unfortunately, there are too many low information and low IQ individuals who will accept it because they believe in the propaganda from CNN and the rest of the controlled media.

  11. Fill the front seats with long haired little girls and Biden won't be able to concentrate.

  12. Of course he can't wait. It will be another debacle run by left-wingers, shooting loaded questions at Trump and lobbing softballs to Biden, after giving Joe the questions the day before.


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