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Friday, April 17, 2020

Be Very Careful What You Wish For...


  1. However, the rest had heard immunity and we no longer have a problem with the Spanish Flu.

    Much like we probably should have done with Covid

  2. Joe, for the record a group of socialists at SU are planning to officially flag your website as a covid misinformation site to get Hogan to shut it down! My buddy on the SU pd told me that the three main social justice loons are Dane Foust, Wallace southerland and the black center leader Richard potter...

  3. My great grandparents both died of the 1918 Flu in Buffalo, leaving my grandmother and her brother orphans.
    He was a bank teller, while she kept house.

  4. Well we're smarter than that!

  5. 948 - good grief.

    One would think a business like colleges would focus ALL of their time during this or any crisis - how to plan going forward. They are an institution for learn (yeah I know) and their focus needs to be that. Not chasing websites that their personal feelings and beliefs get in the way.

    Laughable how the hiring over there lacks any creativity, sensibility OR responsibility.

    Whats next blocking all social media because someone got their feelings hurt?

  6. If they try to shut this site down, see them in court for a violations of Constitutional rights. Fake news or no news. They cannot legally shut you down, Covid or not. If they try, file suit and see them in court! If fake Jake has anything to do with it, then add him or the council to the law suit. Go after all of them! You will win and Joe you already know this!

  7. If we lift all the bans and provisions put in place now for the virus, it will be exactly like it was in 1918 when the people just had to get out and look how it ended up. The same will happen now.

  8. Tell it to the Governors !!! Trump should Decide Not them !!!!

  9. Have a big tickertape parade in New York, might help drop the influence the city has on the electrical college.

  10. Great proverb - it is the democrat mantra

  11. "... the influence the city has on the electrical college."

    I would give my right arm, my left leg and both eyes to see that! I have never seen an electrical college in my life and I am 69 years old.


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