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Sunday, April 19, 2020

As A Bar/Restaurant Owner In OC, I'm Not Opening If Hogan Says We Can Only Serve 50% Of Our Seating!

Just think, I opened a new bar/restaurant at the old Alamo, busted our tails against all odds and created one of the coolest and most successful bar/restaurants in Ocean City. It was a major challenge but it was a ton of fun and people really have enjoyed the place.

Then came what is now known as coronavirus and all that positive momentum came to an immediate end. So what do we do Folks? Are we all in the same mind set that we've all had enough of this quarantine crap OR are we all still concerned this thing will continue to spread and harm people?

I guess the choice will be up to our customers BUT IF Governor Hogan says we can only serve 50% of our tables and even bar stool seating I'm NOT opening. My bartenders don't deserve to be cut off by 50% and as a business owner I don't deserve it as well. 

Where do you stand at this point, tell us your thoughts.


  1. This is going to be a disaster and more lives will be at risk due to exposure. There needs to be testing across the board in every state.

    1. People are gonna die of poverty and boardam before dying of the flu

    2. Nobody dies of poverty or boredom.

  2. No surprise profit over safety.

  3. At this point I would think a little is better than NONE.

  4. I feel bad for restaurant owners and workers. I have a feeling this is going to be the new norm. I know personally I will think twice before going to crowded establishments from now on, but I really don’t care for that kind of atmosphere anyways. I have actually been in your place and it is a nice bar and good food.

    1. Really - give up living because you MIGHT get sick! What nonsense. Check yourself into a nursing home since you have given up on life - Oh No - you Might get sick in there. Here is a clue - you are going to die - why not enjoy yourself before that happens.

  5. Joe
    You have money to weather this storm. Do your employee's? Did you ask them if they would rather have any money coming in vs none? If they are depending on UE or any of this supposed other money, then they likely would rather get back to work even if at reduced capacity for a while since a lot of people I know have not gotten the 1st dime on UE. Some have gotten the $1200 plus but we both know that does not go far towards a month's worth of bills piling up with no income. Just my thoughts

  6. 50% of something is still still more than 0% of nothing. My point is there are people who want/need to get back to work and open their businesses. There are others who are fine sitting back and collecting unemployment on steroids as it’s been called. Every business owner isn’t in a financial statement where they can just take nothing coming in. 50% would be a welcomed intake at this point I would think.

  7. As a business owner that's a decision you have to make. Every business has different reasons to open or not. That's why you are paying the bills you may have to open sooner than you want because a little of something is better than nothing. There's a lot that goes into running your own business most have know idea. Most of the people i know that don't own a business think I'm loaded because i do 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. what? no grant from andy harris?

  9. My heart breaks for all business owner in this position.

    To be fair, I don't think we can really open anything with still no real herd immunity... and even if seating is only 50%... I think most people won't be venturing out for quite some time.

    Yes, a few very vocal strong willed "don't tread on me" kinda folks will head out immediately... but when the infection rate spikes right after.. that will stop those folks.

    I don't know if that puts a business like yours in a position to be profitable if it opens in that sort of situation. To be fair... I don't know that it would be any different if Hogan opened up to a full 100%... I think it would net the same result.

  10. Agree. This lockdown is unnecessary. So many have been fooled by the MSM. Also, I ask everyone to call Mayor Meehan as he made some comments yesterday about considering a June 5th opening which would be financial suicide for the businesses in town.

  11. Summer is cancelled. Reopen everything (schools included) August 15th.

  12. Joe you have been the one preaching the doom and gloom. Tell Hogan its time to end this so we can all move on. Sounds to me like we have at least another month of this. OC will be crushed if they cannot open this year. We will see what happens. if I were you I would be screaming to high heaven.

    1. Hogan Hope's O.C. buisnesses closely for good

      Hogan Hope's to turn all O.C. buildings into Section 8 housing

  13. You might be in a position that you can stay closed 50% might be a lifeline to other establishments. At least some income is coming in.

  14. Our numbers here in Wicomico County are still growing so I don't think it is wise to do this right now. Once we see the numbers staying the same then decreasing then maybe. I just feel like the numbers will skyrocket and we will be worse then we are now. I am an essential worker and I see people out and about now that still have no business being out.

    1. I think the shore shut down to soon. It is a shame we are grouped with people across the bridge. We are just starting to see an increase and are not even close to our curve.

    2. Vote Andy Harris as Governor of the 51st StateApril 17, 2020 at 7:44 PM


      another reason the Eastern Shore needs to form the 51st State


  15. In my opinion, let businesses make their own decisions. If they want to open back up right now that's on them. If patrons choose to go to their establishment and pack in to max occupancy that's on the patrons. Were all grown adults let us make our own choices. Also make sure there're provisions that a patron can't sue a business if they "feel" they were infected at that establishment. Without a provision like that the amount of lawsuits is going to be ridiculous.

    With that being said we do not have the hospital capacity for a massive surge of critical cases requiring hospitalization. If we fully just lift the veil and say lets open will need a care rationing plan like other countries have. Pretty much the easiest way to say it is, if you are not a contributing member of society you are not getting a hospital bed. It sounds sick and evil, but why give a hospital bed to someone who's an addict and leeches off the system vs a contributing member of society who has a job and family? Liberals will lose their minds with me saying this, but there no other way. We don't have the healthcare workers, beds, or supplies to care for a massive surge of patients.

    1. Nobody can prove where they were exposed, so lawsuits will be a waste of time

  16. I think enough is enough!
    Quarantine those who are most at risk, and allow those who are not, to get on with their lives and business.
    I feel there is more to this virus and our government isn't being truthful with us about it.

  17. So, you'll deprive your staff from making something versus nothing? If I owned a business (I have) and was faced with the same decision, I'd talk to my staff and get their input before I made a decision unilaterally that impacted them. Not to mention you'll be allowing competing business to prime their pump for full operation while you sit shuttered. Doesn't sound very wise to me.

  18. I think I probably will avoid restaurants and bars going forward. Even if this gets under control I don’t think I can trust that people in those establishments are being hygienic enough and safe enough. This is the beginning of many more pandemics, why go back to normal when we can be safe at our homes.

  19. @ April 17, 2020 at 8:12 AM

    I guess you will be the first to volunteer at the hospitals then. And if you get sick... will gleefully give up your hospital bed to someone else when all the beds are maxed.

    1. 8:52. They don’t need volunteers. Too many have had their hours cut.

  20. @ 8:38: I agree with you, my initial thought is I will be doing the same. This is not good though as it means more than just us feel that way. It also means a lot of those types of businesses will fold.

    The effects of this virus are going to be long-lasting. You're going to see a push towards delivery, curbside pickup, and mobile apps with all businesses in the services and goods industry. You are going to see a massive push for automation and robotics in the manufacturing and distribution industries.

    If you are someone in an industry that is most likely going to be changed drastically. I would think about a new career in an industry that will prosper as things change in our world. You are stuck at home now, maybe it's time to take advantage of all the free learning online.

  21. I am truly amazed at the number of people that are just willing to lay down and give up their rights. the numbers on Corona just don't add up (flu hospitalizations over 400,000 LAST YEAR) yet the government has us on lockdown. We used to be a free society that was ale to make our own logical decisions. Open you business, if patrons want to show up then go. if you are afraid then stay home. Those days are gone. Animal Farm!!!

  22. Ocean City is going to lag behind the rest of the state in terms of moving forward. You can't open anything even at 50% without having the neighboring states getting the Infection numbers under control. I certainly don't want to see anymore cars from NJ NY or Pa flooding into town. The fact is the local healthcare systems can't handle an outbreak. You have to look at the numbers of Sussex county and ask how do they have almost 700 confirmed cases. I have taken a guess and have to think they are coming from Rehoboth and the lower beaches. We open up ocean City too soon and it's going to be a catastrophe. Do what's right for you and your employees. I don't think 50% of your business is worth risking people's lives.

    1. 902...

      yous sayin dat because most up here are black peoples

  23. No business is forced to open.

  24. I think the more businesses that open in any capacity would be helpful and make the case this thing is behind us

  25. How are people supposed to eat and have a beer being Hogan is making it manatory to wear PPE mask in establishments. Hogan is a jerk and instead of leading the way for other states to open up he relies on Virginia and Delaware for their imput. I'd stay closed because your bills and paying employees would not be profitable. Just my opinion.

  26. I wouldn't go to a rest. no matter what Hogan does. I'm not becoming a labratory rat to see if it's safe to go back out.
    This virus will trim out alot of businesses. Only the strong will survive and new ones will open eventually.
    It's a deadly idea to get Hogan to open anything in this state.
    Look at ll the infections perday. It would be like setting off a bomb...deadly....to open up public entertainment and diners.
    I may not see another rest. the rest of my life. Or live sporting event or concert. It will be stupid until they have a vaccine or meds that you can take if you get symtoms... to stop the virus.

  27. I agree 100%, Hopgan is a RINO!!!

  28. Let’s try to look at the 50% scenario objectively. Monitoring customer movement, seat assignment, restroom monitoring and group gathering is not going to preclude or prevent people from mingling are coming into close contact with one another. So are we saying by requiring businesses to operate at 50% capacity for “safety” is realistic? Just from the face of this proposal seems to create a false narrative that I will be safer in a facility that is approved for 200 people if only 100 are present. Folks we are surely more intelligent than that.
    It is time to man up and get on with life.
    Therefore, I would have no problem frequenting your business Joe, even with it open for 100% capacity. That is my vote; open up 100%! If people do not want to frequent the business because of that, they surely do not have to.

    In addition, some legal scholars have indicated the the Office of the Presidency has full authority over implementing and controlling interstate commerce under the Constitution , which means if Governors take action to impede or deter the free flow of interstate commerce, which covers a lot of business activity, they can be overridden. Pres. Trump may come to this realization soon by using this authority to encourage Governor’s to authorize the opening of all businesses 100%.

  29. I feel that opening bars and restaurants, at any percentage for indoor patrons, might not be in the best interest at this time. Give it a few more weeks. I'm sure that it's as difficult to say that as it is for any business owners to accept.

    BUT!!! I feel that golf courses should be allowed to reopen with limited access to the club houses!! Maybe make everyone walk and not be allowed to use Golf Cars. Anyone who plays knows that after your tee off, you liable not to see your fellow golfers until you get to the green.

    Just my two cents.

  30. “Time Out” here Joe. The article that you posted which proceeds this post states that U.S. Coronavirus deaths reaches a record 4,591 in the last 24-hours. Then you ask if we've all had enough of this quarantine crap. I believe this quarantine crap must continue through the summer and I recommend that you keep your bar and restaurant closed. Another round of Coronavirus will follow in the Fall if not every human being within 150 miles of Ocean City isn’t free of this virus. The public out cry will blame government officials, bars and restaurants for opening too soon as the reason for the next breakout.

    1. 9:29 seriously. With your outlook you think that ocean city can handle closing for a year? There will be blood in the streets with your scenario.

    2. 9:29 seriously. With your outlook you think that ocean city can handle closing for a year? There will be blood in the streets with your scenario.

  31. OC bars will open when Leighton Moore says they do.

    1. I doubt it, leighton has had his manhood stepped on this time, he’s just a small fish in a big ocean this time

    2. Yep, and Buddy Jenkins

    3. Agreed Moore/Harrison run the city.

  32. I am a small business owner, but am fortunate that I can continue to work from home/telecommute - Unfortunately most of the business in Ocean City cannot operate this way, and I sincerely feel for everyone involved in this. That said, given all that has occurred with this viruse and what we still don't know, Ocean City may be DOA this year as there is no gaurentee that consumers will go to bars/resturants/etc. I don't know what the answer is other than to hang on and do what can be done.

  33. We need to ignore hogan and go about our business.Anyone with a hint of common sense can stay home if they have other health issues.Let the people decide for themselves and stop trampling on our rights!

  34. I’m with you Joe. But man what I would do for one of those big burgers you’ve got.

  35. i notice that hogan still gets his check even though he has penalized the
    rest of us. thanks sjd

  36. If every seasonal flu and automobile accident deaths were a cause to shut down the country what would you say then? How much did you sell the Bill of Rights for? Almost seems ridiculous that our ancestors gambled to build a free America eh?

  37. Actually to be safe I would feel better if restaurants and Bars were limited to just 25% capacity. Even then we all know there going to be full of many germ infested people.
    As an older person I have to be proactive on my health that means making a choice where I go to be exposed to this virus, so I will only go into a place that smells of Lysol and Bleach, and has a very small capacity.

  38. Personally speaking,I would wait until the conditions were favorable and sell it.You created an amazing place when the conditions were ideal,but without a guarantee that things would ever again return to normal I would not choose to roll the dice.Well,you wanted our honest opinions.

  39. Once they take away your right successfully you may never get them back!
    Enough is enough. It is not as bad as they say it was going to be and here we are 1 month later and still not moving on. We, as a country, as a state, as a county, as a city need to move forward. We cannot "quarantine" indefinitely.

    If you feel you are risk or are sick STAY HOME but let the rest of us move on and continue with life. Get businesses moving and working before they lose everything and the employees of said business lose everything too. It is a snowball effect and it is just getting bigger and bigger!

    Let business make their own decisions. If you can afford to lose business for you and your employees by all means stay closed but let those who can/want open.

  40. 50% doesn't equate to patrons. Yeah a few will show - yet the $$$$ will not flow. I imagine some business owners are already planning for the 50% and cranking the numbers to see if the juice is worth the squeeze.

    Ex: Business orders supplies (which will take time to get rolling with), plans based on the past, applies an easy 50% reduction. Yet no patrons roll in. So then another revision comes in, still nothing. Another reduction plan and folks come in and the business runs out.

    Use any example and place an inexperienced business owner in charge. One that will probably jack up the prices, again thru lack of experience - WHOA!

    Throw in any potential liability - WHOA!

    Is it worth the squeeze?

  41. 10:56, It's not as bad as they thought it was going to be because the country was shut down. I said it from the very beginning, they should've shut down everything with the exception of pharmacies and groceries for 30 days. The virus would've died. Each state should've shut down their borders as well. Now we're going to deal with more then a years worth of the virus spreading. YOU are not an expert on this matter. I am dealing directly with experts and this thing isn't going away any time soon. I've also sated that we are a good 3 weeks behind New York. If Hogan and Mehan reopen the Eastern Shore you all better watch out because they will all swarm to Ocean City and Delaware beaches and the virus will go nuts. Just look at today's numbers. We will NOT hit our peak, (if we remain quarantined) until around June 1. If they open up, hell, we might as well head to other safer sates until this passes. I mean, why not, they're all coming here right now. This thing is far from over.

    To the others telling me I should open for my staff. My staff firmly agrees with me. It is far too big a risk on their health as well as our customers health. I have always confided in my staff and left the decisions up to them.

    Finally, unlike MOST other businesses, I have a connection with a company who can disinfect my business daily, better then a hospital can and does. That in itself is a major expense but it will not stop someone carrying and or spreading the virus. We can be cleaner then anyone else and as someone mentioned SMELL nicer then other places but that doesn't mean you are safe. It just smells nice. AND, if you've ever been to my business it is always spotless, period.

    To the people telling me to "man up" and let the adults decide. Yeah, right! YOU will e the first to line up with lawyers to come after us with a lawsuit because you'll claim you got it in my establishment. Go lick a toilet seat somewhere else, even though mine are clean. When the time is right I will swing my doors when I feel it is safe. Until that time I will remain closed.

  42. Leave it up to the public and business owners, if some don’t want to open than don’t I’m sure other places will appreciate the business

  43. 12:13 there is no doubt that your position is that of the majority of Marylanders. My unofficial survey indicates the same.

  44. My thoughts are this , you have the choice , so do it , across the street(watermans)also will have the choice , I understand your feelings and each business should evaluate . One thing you are right about , if they open OC , look out , the virus will kill many. Guys and Dolls used to be my favorite years ago.

  45. Eating out around here is seldom memorable. Folks are more concerned with price and portions. This time at home at made me appreciate I am better equipted and better skilled than most Chefs and line cooks around here. It's cheap too. Now only if I didn't have to go shopping.

  46. I guess that if you analyzed your average capacity ratio to butts in the seats you might find that it was 50% anyway. No brainer there. The Leighton Moore comment has more truth to it than some suspect.

  47. Joe look forward when you do reopen. Until then - stay safe my friend.

  48. A lot of people are not following the instructions/directives anyway. People who are going to get sick are going to get sick. There's no way to stop it. People have to be accountable...if you are more susceptible take precautions and not go. But people cannot continue to be at home not working and not interacting with other people. Schools need to reopen for everyone's sanity. Do it in shifts...half days...split it in Elementary. Something has to change.

  49. I have a very close friend that works for the CDC and says the death rate is being politicized and is much lower than the seasonal flu... it is however very easily spread and it was most definitely an natural occurring virus but manipulated by the Chinese to use as a weapon


    1. 1:24. We can’t afford to do that.

  51. 2:30 Hogan announces schools closed rest of the year!

  52. Then be whiny and don’t.

    1. It is not about being "whiny ", it is about getting feedback from the consumers. This is a blogspot, it is for discussions. So he is using the forum of what it is designed for.

  53. Good STAND Joe and if things change you can change your mind informatively. Protect your employees your investment and the public. Even the most supposed reliable sources still have no idea what we are really dealing with. The daily up and down numbers and this hypothetical CURVE are just statistical measures of something we still really have no clue about. One day it's up one day it's down one day if you survive you have an anti body the next your still infections. This day it's one wonder drug they next day another the next a vaccine seems possible then possibly not. None of us were prepared for this socially economically or psychically. To error cautiously now may not make business sense but it makes Human sense we need some of our primal and preservational fears that have gotten us this far and not be afraid to step back from the fire and think twice about getting burned.

  54. I have a salon in my home. I can not file for unemployment as I don't pay into it. I would be willing to place my chair outside under a tent with a can of bleach, and wearing a mask, to be able to at least cut some of my clients. I think this is a terrible place to be. To choose between being able to buy my kids food with having some clients here or there, or having no clients but we will not be able to eat. I wish I could wave a magic wand for it to all go away. I will add, according to several of my nurse clients, this virus is causing perm damage to the body and people are not building any immunity. If this is true, we are all in trouble. What is the point of having your life if you can not eat? And for so many, this is the question.

    1. Self employed ppl quaulify for unemployment under the new rules.

  55. Joe, you have to make the right decision for you and your employees. Ask them, if they want to go back then let them go back, if they are to scared then let them sit it out until they feel comfortable in going back. I do miss your burgers and can't wait to get down there to get me one. do whats right by your business and employees.

  56. I don't see how many business could survive on 50 percent capacity. Your cost of running everything will still be near or at 100 percent.you still need to order supplies in bulk or pay even higher prices for smaller quanties. Most bars and restaurants depend on full or near full capacity to earn a profit.

  57. You need to stay closed regardless of what Hogan says. Bars are the best place in the world to catch the virus. Who, in bars, practices safe distancing? Quite the opposite. I know the bar owners, like yourself, have been hurt financially, but lives have been lost partially due to not being closed on St. Patricks Day. It was irresponsible for bars to be open , knowing that is one of the busier times for bars. Money is nice, but it isn't everything. Be a responsible business owner and stay closed til all is clear to be safe for the patrons.

  58. 3:11, Here's the deal. Not many people were truly aware of the severity of this virus. It was a shock to everyone when the demand came out to shut down all bars after St. Patrick's Day. I, for one, was not given the opportunity to get a courtesy call from Governor Hogan, (like some other bar owners) and asked to be shut down that weekend. If I had in fact received that courtesy call I would've shut down. When the formal order came in I immediately complied.

    1. Your not Leighton, Hale, Buddy, Avi, etc did you expect a call? And your response would have been?

    2. @8:47 does that make him less important? He spent his money and pays taxes just like any business owner. It doesn't matter if you own a large bar or a lemon stand. If you pay your taxes and have your business license you matter.


  59. Very, very difficult scenario and circumstances.
    People want to work; people need to work.
    People want to socialize; people need to socialize.

    But, as you noted, the cleanest business and the healthiest person who quarantined properly are immediately jeopardized by just one customer or employee or vendor who has an active case of the virus, even if they are unaware and have no symptoms that they are aware of.

    Dining out will be seriously curtailed compared to past years; the grill and cooler will be far busier.

    Best Wishes to all good folks,

  60. We are aware of the severity of the claims yet the only proof we have the government isn't labeling every death they can coronavirus related to push an agenda is their word and their word isn't worth a "F".

    As to other posters stating "don't tread on me" types will cower down when the next wave occurs, you are incorrect. It doesn't matter how many people die, we are not going to live as prisoners indefinitely for you to feel safe. You can choose to exist wrapped in bubble wrap in your own home if you care too.

    One way or the other the start of summer is when this decree will no longer apply to us. Any of our brothers whose rights are trampled on will have our resources pulled and lawyers hired to sue into oblivion any agency responsible for it. If they can sue over gender discrimination for cakes then we can sue for Constitutional Rights being violated. Call our bluffs if you want. It isn't us being unreasonable it is your side. Demanding people live in indefinite detention because you or your loved one may not be able to deal with a virus is completely unreasonable.

    1. I bet you were screaming Martial Law just a month ago weren't you? My advice to you, don't wear gloves, heck with a silly mask, touch your face a lot (hygiene and science don't matter), and sneeze into the wind. You are a warrior.

  61. Sell it or claim corporate bankruptcy. Banks won’t fight it now. If you used your own money it was worth the price. Good luck

    1. BANKRUPTCY ??? MAN, (oops, scratch that), PERSON of undetermined sex, you are an idiot. You know not whereof you speak.. Have you ever been through one of those??

  62. Maryland qualifies for phase one opening of the state

  63. If you run a legal business in this state, you cant run at fifty percent. Good luck

  64. You can make all the money in the world and still be a shitty person. Remember that when it's time to meet your God.

  65. My lawyer friend said that any Bar or restaurant opens too soon and people get sick they can sue the owner and win because of his or her negligence.

    1. 11:19 Your lawyer pal will have to prove where you got infested "beyond a reasonable doubt".

    2. Responsibilitie would fall back to the government of each state for allowing the business to reopened.

  66. Testing..... So I get a test on Monday. Yay! I don't have the Wuhan Red Death!! I get tested on Wednesday.... BOO! I have contracted the virus!!

    Give me a break with all these ppl whining about testing everyone. BS You can be negative one day and not the next. Get tested if you feel badly.

    1. Getting tested cures nothing

    2. If it were this easy. Do you see all the comments about they will not test you? That cry is heard from all over the country, every small town across America.

  67. I am confused. It was my understanding that you wanted Hogan to shut down the complete State of Maryland - correct? Now you are concerned about 50 percent reopening of your restaurant. You you can tell I was against closing Maryland totally for the same reason you are against Hogan's 50 percent cut in restaurant attendance. I saw it coming. Restaurants can not operate and be successful with Hogan's proposal. The madness must stop. We the people must get our civil liberties back now. Hogan works for you - you don't work for Hogan or any other politician including Day.

    1. He was asking the consumers their opinion.

  68. Where are the local testing facilities? I think every business that has the public entering its location should own a no-touch thermometer and test every one that wants to enter. Send the high temp people to a testing facility and don't let them in. Not a fool proof plan but, it is not a bad idea. Then open up 100%. If something pro-active doesn't start happening, our towns are going to dry up and blow away.

  69. You can’t tell me that your not actually making money being closed. Everyone knows how the only money is made during the season. You’re like the rest that applies for the PPP only to pay for the employees when you are making money anyway (in season) then don’t have to repay it. Double dipping, Trump 2020, yeah right:(

    1. Biden will get everything straight. He has the the the you no the thing:)

  70. Is it really though??? Lol jk great food and good prices

  71. I don't go out to eat/drink for the food, I go out to socialize. I want back to normal or at least let me go to the beach. Assateague state or fed park would be a good start.

  72. Joe said he did not apply for a PPP and believe he knows best what to do for his business. Is PPP a stimulus package or do you have to repay. Is it a loan to small businesses? If a loan, not sure so would apply for it.

    1. The small business grants are to enable businesses to keep paying their workers, not to put in their own pockets

  73. Hogan is releasing prisoners and locking up citizens

  74. Why did you not try to do take out or deliver?

  75. 3:13, I stated from the beginning that I was in a much different financial position then my fellow bars and restaurants in West OC. I felt we did not need to create more competition and allow others to succeed in these trying times. I have stated since day one, we are not competition to other bar/restaurants and I meant it.

  76. I am not going to *any* restaurant, bar or non-grocery retail store anytime soon. I feel bad for business owners, I really do, but I am not dying for you, or risking my loved ones dying for you. We live in a capitalist society, and that's great when all is well but can be disastrous when it's not. Those are the risks one takes. If you want guaranteed income all the time, vote for socialists but be prepared to cap your income at a level you probably aren't going to like.

  77. I can’t believe this bar is open and people are partying

    1. Duh..it is NOT open. That is a picture from when he was able to be open.

  78. I stand by the Governor. Profit over ones safety and health is a no brainer. I'm sure your employees would work for a little less,something is better than nothing, and in these times,I'm sure your costumers would be tipping more than the normal 18 -25%, I know i will when and if I can get to a happy hour.


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