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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

AP declares Kweisi Mfume winner of 7th Congressional District race

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - Associated Press is calling the special 7th Congressional District election for former NAACP leader Kweisi Mfume.

The special election was held after the death of longtime U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings.

The Maryland Board of Elections has released only partial results from voting so far.




  1. Oh well, and so goes the election in Baltimore. They ask why the system is so bad and conditions never improve - look at what the elect to office.

  2. Typical. Nothing new there.

  3. Ha ha ha, does this surprise anyone??????

  4. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. These people will never learn.


  5. Have read that previous employer paid someone he harassed so he'll be on Biden's short list for a Cabinet slot.

  6. Announce the Winner - results to follow - when they are done making them up - we are lost - cower in your homes

  7. You voters in Baltimore deserve what you get.

  8. So nothing changes. The slums will still be the slums.

  9. Another slave to serve on the Democratic plantation. He will fulfill his masters’ will.

  10. LOL, what did you expect. Blacks vote for Blacks, qualified or not. Just look at Obama being elected President. Largest black turnout to vote in history.

  11. Question....in all of it's existence, wheat has the NAACP done for people of color?.....crickets......

  12. Who are we to complain. Those people love living in the garbage rats and crime. They love burying their young men due to violence. They love the failing schools. They love the blight. democrats even called themselves nasty and this is what nasty people vote for-more of the same. nasty people deserve to live like they do in that city.

  13. What was the definition of insanity again?

  14. Let's just stand back and let Baltimore do what Baltimore does. It's going to be a very long, hot summer.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: They don’t love it in the sense you mean 8:51. They just do not have the intellectual ability to understand why their lifestyle is so unacceptable to a modern civilized society. If they were to actually understand their bad behavior and had the ability to foresee the consequences, they might make attempts to improve their circumstances. The combination of low IQ combined with the length of time required for genetic changes from those that have been influenced by primitive cultural environment as well as geographical origins, have resulted in what we see in “multicultural “ locations like Baltimore. Compare, if you will, the art, music, and architecture of Italy from the thirteenth or fourteenth centuries with that found in any African country even today, and you will see for your self. Just to visit and behold the marvelous achievements from that period in Europe will totally amaze you and provide a glaring example of the differences in people from widely removed cultures and civilizations. The complex music and instruments used during that period compared to beating on a hollow log with a couple of sticks illustrates my point completely.

  16. I really had hoped that Kimberly Klasik would have won. This is a real f'ing shame!!


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