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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Almost 800 New Positive Virus Cases In A Day In Maryland

Of course there's almost 800 new cases in the past 24 hours in Maryland. Out Idiot Governor refuses to take this pandemic seriously by stopping people from states like New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania coming to their secondary homes on the Shore, including outsiders coming to the Delaware beaches as well. 

Conspiracy Theorists are now trying to claim this whole thing is a hoax, (fools). Keep in mind Folks, the mainstream media is recommending if you have symptoms do not go to the hospital, quarantine yourself in your home instead for 14 days. You can see today's numbers HERE.

Here's my suggestion to ALL of the people who believe this virus is a hoax. PLEASE, all of you, go volunteer at a local hospital and put your money where your mouth is. What say you now?


  1. Are these positive test numbers jumping up only because lab testing is taking a week or more for results? Slow lab reporting seems useless if it’s lagging 10days.

  2. 11:07. IF your logic is correct, then just imagine what the numbers will be in another TEN days. Come on people, use your heads.

    1. Agreed. Actually numbers are likely much higher than known or reported. That also heavily skews percentages of necessary hospitalization. Let's hope those numbers stay low. I'm also hearing that if you have a fever while being hit by a truck, it's being labeled as Covid. So who really knows

  3. unreal how many people ignore the facts - why is it so difficult to stay home?

    1. Nearly everyone is going to get this virus. Nothing we can do about it.

  4. Thank you, Joe for your work and up to date information. I like someone being honest about this pandemic and people need to take this seriously. We have not reached out peek yet here on the shore and like you, I give it 10-12 days. Some aren't using the common sense they were born with!

  5. No one is saying the virus is a hoax. The hoax is how bad the media is portraying the virus. Now the “experts” are saying 60,000 dead. Less than the flu. If the economy is destroyed there goes trumps re election. This is ALL about removing Trump and power. Power for nobodies like Day, Hogan and other government officials.

    1. Only 60k dead is because the shutdown is working.
      The fact based media reports the news.

    2. 7:08 “The fact based media” Bahahaha

  6. Also, non essential businesses like Rita's should be shut down. The long line of people standing elbow to elbow is absurd. Cook Out also has a walk up window.

  7. We will see numbers rise due to the fact we are able to test!! Please stay home and wash your hands!!

  8. Our numbers will continue to rise just on the fact that we are able to test!! This is not a hoax ppl are really sick!! Stay home please

  9. 11:42 as someone working directly with healthcare providers I can assure you the tens of thousands of people dying and millions of others at risk of a respiratory pandemic is not "ALL about removing Trump and power". Times of crises are important to see how a leader acts, his actions will speak for themselves. He has plenty of time to explain his rationale during his press conferences. And for Christ's sake stop comparing it to the flu. That's the attitude that led us into this mess in the first place. Secondary infections are much higher in Covid-19 than influenza. Skepticism does not make you an expert, years of education and study does. This is a new virus that we are just now starting to understand.

    1. The so called experts had years of study and education and they GOT IT WRONG! Stop being a sheep. Learn to think for yourself.

  10. he needs to stop them from coming in. There is a person in PRMC right now that lives in New York and came down to the shore last week with his mother and sister when he was already feeling bad.. Who knows how many people they have been in contact with since getting here. We need to close the boarders and if you are found here, you need to be fined and sent out of the state.

  11. I've yet to see any "official" reported numbers of COVID positive patients at PMRC!

    1. What difference does it really make regarding the total? The employees get a daily email. If you are that concerned come on out and help 😷

    2. 9:23 information is power

  12. I don't know what to think any more. Who to trust. I do know one thing. Use common sense. Wash your hands - stay home - pray this will end soon.

  13. Someone mentioned a destroyed economy will ruin Trumps re-election. Ok, I will bite - so Biden wins.

    Really WTF is he gonna do to fix the economy? Especially within 100 days since everyone makes or breaks a Prez in the first 100 days.

    Is he gonna try to make nice with those perceived not to like us? Make friends with "CHINA", let them off the hook so they reap $$$$$ and we don't? More $$$$ going to other countries that flip us the bird all the time???

    Not to mention the continued in-fighting with Congress. Dems win, have the house but not the Senate. Been there thru several administrations - nothing accomplished.

    Where can we prosper under that mindset?

    Until we stop fighting amongst ourselves politically - lather/rinse/repeat.

  14. Don't let your guard down folks. I know it seems like a long time already but the surge has not even hit Philly yet that will be in a week maybe two. So we need to keep doing what were are doing now here for another month. It's not just people crossing state lines. Many of us have already been exposed and have not and may never manifest symptoms. Wearing a mask is not just to protect you but others too. Things are shipping and turning over so fast we have truckers and warehouse workers handling all our supplies from all over the place. Not being an airborne but a droplet transmitted virus it could be on anything you buy and everywhere you go. So just be smart. If you go out when you come home leave your shoes outside wash all your clothes immediately wash your groceries. Blaming this on people from outside is easy hysteria but there is a lot more too it than that. Stay home. Your not missing anything out there.

  15. 1109. Yes use your head the numbers projected by the current “model” which started at 2.2 million was reduced to 240k, then 80k then 60k is now less than those that died from the flu last year. For that we are now facing the next recession with no end in site. Tell that to all of the people that 30 days ago had a good job and now have nothing. Tell that to those people that worked their butts off to start a business and now are facing bankruptcy. Not everyone has the resources that you have. Look at the facts 1109

    1. It's down to 60K now because the shutdown is working!!!! Dumbass!!!

    2. I don’t know where you’ve been but this “shutdown” you say is working is a complete joke. Traffic no different now than any other time. The businesses allowed to continue are flooded with people too bored to sit at home. This whole thing has absolutely been media driven. And to be bluntly honest, completely tanking our economy, communities, small businesses and the like for 50-60,000 deaths is criminal. Period.

  16. You cant see numbers from PRMC if they are not testing
    You pretty much have to be dead to get a test in Wicomico county.
    They just tell you go home and die.
    Of course numbers are low. They are not testing

    1. Sorry, but they are testing. Maybe not all info needs to be on the news!

  17. It is THOUSANDS OF TIMES MORE out there that have not been tested or
    even known of , but are here !!!

    Test kits needed for everyone before knowing a fraction of How Many !!!

  18. Hospital beds not being used, medical staff on call not being called in, hospitals closing due to no activity, people coming into contact with people known to have the virus and not getting it, and we are supposed to put credence in the models and reports constantly being portrayed on the news that continues to perpetuate the situation as border line dooms day and the end of the world??!!

    1. As I commented before ( I see it is not posted) AGH furloughed 20% of its staff on Tuesday , I know this because I am one of these people). At that time there were 0 inpatient COVID 19 positive pts. No one is coming in to the hospital or having Dr appts so even the medical field is suffering and generating little income. Other offices in Worcester county have laid off or furloughed their employees as well.

  19. @ 11:42

    Pete Alonso sucks. He's only hit 53 home runs. Hank Aaron hit 755.

    But, you say, Pete Alonso is a rookie and Hank Aaron had a 22 year career? Exactly. We've been dealing with influenza forever and have a vaccine in place. Coronavirus deaths started last month and are growing exponentially. What happens if Pete Alonso hits hundreds of thousands of home runs?

  20. The sby region seems to be in denial . The county has not made any attempt to protect county residents or county employees . Seems like business as usual at all stores outside city limits .

    1. It is 100% business as usual.

  21. I suppose the comment I made about rich people lecturing everyone else about staying home for another month or two is something THEY can easily handle must have pissed the wrong person off.
    The manager at McDonald's, with 3 kids to feed and a car payment that Ford Motor Credit keeps calling about, and a house payment that Wells Fargo is demanding, doesn't have the luxury of just "staying home". The electric bill is due and BETTER be paid. With WHAT???? ALL of those bills get covered by $1200???? LOL
    HE is not rich. HIS life is a bit more edgy - his mom and dad didn't leave him millions, or set him up in a business he never knew anything about, or hand him everything he needs so he can brag about how he "did it himself".
    Did it strike a nerve??
    I'm not advocating dangerous behavior. I'm just saying, stop being so pious and arrogant.
    Unless, as some people say, you want to go to PRMC and volunteer, or start packing some food from your 12x15 pantry and freezer space and maybe pay someone's electric bill.
    What's next? "Let them eat cake"???
    Civil war.

  22. Putting a lot of blame on out of state property owners. There are selfish people everywhere - out of state and those that won't stay home on the Eastern Shore.
    But how are you getting your grocery stores filled. Is food being airlifted in?
    How are you getting home/business repairs done? Are all the contractors from in-state, do you ask them their travel history, and do you take their temperature before allowing them in your home/business?
    This virus can originate with any of us coming into contact with an asymptomatic individual. Stop placing the blame on out of state property owners.

  23. That's the problem with the American dream. You can't have a mortgage a car payment and three kids managing a McDonalds and cry you have no savings or emergency funds.


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