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Monday, April 20, 2020

After lawsuits, uproar over $500 tickets for church members listening to radio sermon in church parking lot, mayor has come-to-Jesus moment

'The actions taken by an over-burdensome government actually put more people at risk'

"Psalm 100 demands us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord," Simmons said, according to his page on the city's website. "On the fifth Sunday of every month, residents and citizens come and worship at the water on our levee front to make a joyful noise together in corporate worship. Folks are not restricted by the color of their skin nor confined by their churches' addresses. We come to exalt God as one community."

But these days the noise around Simmons has been anything but joyful.

Church attendance restrictions

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Simmons issued an executive order last week closing all Greenville church buildings for both in-person and drive-in services.

"It's all about trying to save lives," the mayor told the Delta Democrat-Times. "If people continue to gather, it's going to spread."



  1. Like I said WHERE is the Enforcement on MOSQUES ?????

  2. 11:55 and ask yourself this, why is it OK in Michigan to go on the water with canoes and wind power boats, even ones that can hold 20 or more people, but you can't use any boat with a motor??? Now tell me, how I will get the virus less with wind power boats versus gas powered boats???? Exactly, yet you all keep thinking these orders are lawful and legal...

  3. Thomas Jefferson would have just walked into his office with a rope, wrapped it tightly around his neck, and pulled him outside to find a tree.
    Simmons thinks HE can overwrite the Constitution anytime he doesn't like what it says...

    The revolution gets closer every day and these wanna-be Hitler's are going to be SO sorry.

    Start the hanging. Please.


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