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Wednesday, April 08, 2020


Why aren’t patient’s imprisoned at Salisbury Rehabilitation and Nursing Center/Salisbury Genesis Eldercare, located at the corner of Route 50 and Civic Avenue, being told the truth? 

Patient’s and the family of patients deserve to know the truth! And it needs to happen now! COVID is at Salisbury Nursing Home, and it is being spread. If a really large outbreak does happen in that nursing home, it will singlehandedly exhaust the entire healthcare infrastructure for the entire bottom half of the Delmarva peninsula. 

Salisbury Nursing Home is known to be the BIGGEST nursing home in Maryland with over 300 beds. That’s more beds than all of Peninsula Regional Medical Center; even with their temporary tent hospital added in. 

We understand that PRMC owns this facility, so it’s quite OBVIOUS that they are trying to sweep this problem under the rug, and the Wicomico County Health Department is helping them. They are all in each other’s pockets.

Why isn’t Larry Hogan ordering facilities to be transparent? Send Larry an email now! These people are our most vulnerable of citizens. These patients are our parents, our grandparents, our aunts, our uncles, our brothers, and our sisters. They do not deserve the run around, they’ve earned the right to be told the truth.

TELL US THE TRUTH! How are our loved ones being treated? What steps are being taken to mitigate this emerging crisis? Is the staff truly safe? I guarantee you that the staff at Salisbury Nursing Home does not have the same protective equipment being used by PRMC. Why? PRMC is financially invested in Salisbury Nursing Home as owners. I don’t want them to kill my grandmother. She is my rock!

Also, for those who find themselves in a hospital, and then they find that you are in need of a nursing home, the hospital ALWAYS recommends that someone pick Salisbury Nursing Home for their loved one. I guarantee they never ever tell them about their financial stakes. I also can promise you that they aren’t telling family’s about the COVID cases there. If they do come clean, they’ll say all COVID patients are isolated to one unit, but that’s not true. PRMC still cannot do testing, so they will never know what residents or staff are positive, and the virus will continue to spread in the nursing home.


  1. Killing people???? Really. The facility should be under quarantine and that is it. if someone is determined to test positive then they can be removed. What the hell else do you want them to do.

  2. You lost me at "patient's imprisoned".

    1. Yeah it’s a bit dramatic. Also the reality is hospital beds should not be wasted on those no longer making a contribution to the world. It’s an awful thing to say but we will need to ration care soon enough. Doctors are going to be forced to start looking at things like this. In Italy they had to do this.

    2. Some of those people are heroes to this nation. Your despicable.

  3. You will never get the truth becasue people are cowards, They sure can treat people bad or wrong but they are pussy to stand up on what they do and stand behind it!!!!

  4. Lost me right before "A Viewer".

  5. Nobody is telling you that the heating / air system is usally the same system institution/ building wide. They don't have separate systems for each area because of the cost. That alone spreads the virus airborne.

  6. If you really cared about your grandmother that much, she would be at Genesis in the first place. That place is the horrible, I wouldn't send my dogs there.

    1. Lol true. My family refused to send my grandmother there for after stroke care. If people are that concerned take your loved one home till this passes. See how many are willing to do that.

  7. Since my mother is a resident at Salisbury Nursing and Rehab, and has been for almost a year, I am in communication with personnel there on almost a daily basis. I also visit my mother through a glass window and door. I will be participating in an internet zoom meeting this afternoon with an official of the facility to discuss the current status of the response the institution is taking to protect staff and residents during this pandemic. Direct conversations to date with persons of authority have indicated that all staff are being screened daily and that PPE is being used. My mother is during very well thus far, and for that I deeply thank the staff and of course the Good Lord!

    It would be very interesting to know from whom or where the writer is getting the information shared in the article. If a valid source can be provided, I have no problem confronting the appropriate personnel, and of course will include this allegation in my conversation this afternoon.
    However, as of this writing, my mother and the institution overall are safe and are practicing and following good safety behavior for themselves and the residents.

  8. Lol. This is so funny. Genesis is over the top with safety measures, and was so before it was mandated. No one has been in or out so your source must have a crystal ball that is foggy.

  9. PRMC does not own Genesis. They own part of the rehab unit. My dad was at Genesis for several years and overall received better care than I could provide at home alone. The staff there work hard, are paid little, and appreciated less. We were there most every day and were 95% happy with the service.

  10. The person who wrote this article seems to be unable to deal with situations where they are not going the way they would like.Apparently they react with panic when situations are different than they expect. Expectations and reality are often different and all we can do is deal with what life throws in our direction.

    It's OBVIOUS that this is sensationalist crapola.

    Call your doctor for a refill, will ya?

  12. 11:41AM...you are correct. I have personally experienced the same situation that you have shared, and I could not agree with you more.

  13. Sounds like this is a job for one of Governor Hogan’s newly created Strike Teams to investigate.

  14. They have a graduation ceremony for CNA program today at 4-4:30!!!! Then these graduates start work there. And they’re under the impression there are zero cases at the facility?!!

  15. So, if it's so hard to get tested around here, who's testing these nursing home patients that you say are positive?

  16. So, what you're saying is that you have NO FACTS to go on, you are writing this in FEAR, and have no idea what is really going on inside this facility?

    Thanks for the update! Let us know how if you actually learn any FACTS.

  17. Why don't you break her out of the place? Then, take her home with you and provide 24 hour care. Health care workers make about $11- $12 an hour and they have 20+ people to take care of. Health care workers also get sick so every place is short staffed.


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