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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury City Council Michele Gregory


  1. Replies
    1. Exactly. She’s an ultra left leaning, liberal socialist, progressive who hates any thing that lies outside of her interests. What else would you expect from her?

  2. Tick tock Michelle or is it MIKE.

  3. Sounds like they should sign it first. Shoulder to shoulder, unmasked, and parading thru the streets. Also, if its coming from a city official i guess its legit and i can use it... and go where ever i want with out a mask? Thanks City!

  4. Who's this bi+£h? Never heard of her.

  5. That is a great idea! If you believe it, sign it and go on.

  6. Idiots using social media - ENTERTAINING and ENJOYABLE when they lose their jobs and end up saying: WWWHHHHAAAAAAAAHappened?


  7. There DAY is coming.

  8. @927am

    You beat me to it. This is exactly what everyone should've expected.

  9. report her to twitter! Politicians can't block lol ask trump!

  10. Section 8, I am on welfare Gregory is an obnoxious pig!

  11. As a councilwoman, should she be using a block button? Is she oppressing the people?

  12. Biggest hoax will be reveiled soon. Bigger then 911


  13. It's pretty much common knowledge now that elected officials who use social media to put their message out are legally prohibited from blocking citizens they represent.

    Subject to suit, which they will lose.

    But in related vein, is she practicing Law without a license by drafting and posting a waiver which has medical, legal and financial implications? Asking for a friend.

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  16. Irresponsible. How sad. Any interaction I have had with her has been unpleasant.

    This is what happens when you do not get off your butt and vote.

    We should be lifting people up, not keeping them in poverty

  17. B#$%h needs a shower and a toothbrush! What a greasy flannel hag.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Section 8, I am on welfare Gregory is an obnoxious pig!

    April 21, 2020 at 11:35 AM

    Yes she is. She is on welfare, Section 8, disability and EBT cards. That is why she is always attacking Congressman Harris because she is pressuring him to support Medicare for All so that she doesn't have to pay for insurance for her hubbies disabled son and them while she is unemployed.

  19. Anonymous said...
    As a councilwoman, should she be using a block button? Is she oppressing the people?

    April 21, 2020 at 11:49 AM

    It's against the law. Ask Hogan.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Irresponsible. How sad. Any interaction I have had with her has been unpleasant.

    This is what happens when you do not get off your butt and vote.

    We should be lifting people up, not keeping them in poverty

    April 21, 2020 at 8:07 PM

    She sits at home collecting Disability and SSI and this is how she treats people. Someone should report her to the Federal Government.

  21. This pig stinks. I can smell her all the way up in Delmar.

  22. Does anyone know why the State of Maryland took her babysitting/Day Care license from her?


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