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Monday, April 20, 2020

A Viewer Writes: I knew California was holding back there #s

Tracking coronavirus in California

confirmed cases
The coronavirus pandemic has spread rapidly across California. Experts say the true number of people infected is unknown and likely much higher than official tallies.
To better understand the spread of the virus, The Times is conducting anindependent, continual survey of dozens of local health agencies across the state.

"I think they were holding their numbers back to prolong this. Now it's blowing up in California, get outta here. I call bullsh!t."


  1. Most definitely they are and were! They have the most population of any state in the Union. 44 million plus, and they said they had it under control? They cannot even control the homeless population there!

  2. No testing = Low numbers. Nobody has enough test to give accurate numbers! You are sick, they tell you to stay home an self quarantine, so how do you get accurate numbers from that?

  3. Yep was done so pelosi wouldn't be embarrassed.

  4. 108 said "You are sick, they tell you to stay home an self quarantine, so how do you get accurate numbers from that?"

    When you find the person dead in the home afterwards. Its been happening in NYC and North Jersey for weeks.

    1. I image thisnwill be a staggering number as well. It is so very sad.

  5. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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