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Saturday, April 04, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Cancellation of elections...and so it begins

Some people have worried that the current CIVID-19 situation is a good excuse for government to take away some of our rights...and they are correct! And it is happening right here in Pocomoke City.

Pocomoke City has an election for Mayor scheduled for Tuesday, April 7th. The City Charter sets the date for elections and the only way the date can be changed is by changing the City Charter. But, as usual, the Mayor and Council do not feel bound by the law and have decided to "postpone" the election. Cancel is probably a better term as they have not decided when the election might be held, if ever.

Yes, most potential voters are staying in as much as possible but most, if not all venture out to get food, groceries, or for other reasons. If anyone truly wants to cast a ballot it is only a minimal hardship. The election will probably involve 200 voters at the most and it is not difficult to arrange social distancing for those who do vote. Absentee ballots are always an option but no one has seriously considered this. It is also true that some elections can be postponed or cancelled, depending on the predicate of the election and election laws. The Maryland primary is one example, but Pocomoke City elections are bound by the City Charter and any postponement is a clear violation of the charter.

What can be done? In all honesty, nothing. The Mayor and Council of Pocomoke City have constantly demonstrated over the past few years that they are in charge and the residents and voters of the City do not matter.


  1. Md Election got moved to June 2nd. Its looking like it will be by mail in only. District 2 for special election to replace Elijah Cummings is by mail in ballot only now. State wide has not been confirmed yet but its expected to be announced at any time now. I want to know if measures will be put in place to prevent fraud and ballots from disappearing or appearing that are not legitimate. I think we have all seen news reports of mail etc being trashed and things happening with the mail through the years. Remember back to past elections where boxes and boxes of absent T ballots found in store rooms etc. I have a lot of concerns with this. I don't like this and i don't like this at all!

  2. So what do you suggest they do? I couldn't care less. I would not go out and vote. This is too dangerous.
    And doing it by mail would still require me to go get a ballot. You can't mail then out as people could steal them out of your mailbox and send them in with you never seeing it.
    You Complain. What your solution? All they can do is postpone the election until this virus has a vaccination in reality.

  3. Bid deal. So the city council ignores their own rules, laws, their City Charter. There’s a lot of that going on not only at the local city level but also at local County governments. The only way to stop it is for YOU to hire a lawyer and YOU, on behalf of all the citizens of Pocomoke City, sue the City Council. Shouldn’t cost you more than a several thou$and dollars.

  4. The City Charter clearly states that the new mayor is to assume office on the second Tuesday of April. I suggest that one of the candidates, or any other resident of Pocomoke, go to City Hall on April 14th and declare that he/she is the new mayor and dare anybody to prove differently. It would be just as legal as anything else that happens in Pocomoke.

  5. Just Declare TRUMP wins 2020 & No waist of time election because He
    Will Win Anyway against those Dirty Democrats with ease !!!

  6. Lock up Pedifile BIDEN & his SON !!!

  7. President Trump can just stay in there,Democrats let FDR stay in for 3.5 terms.

  8. Anonymous said...
    So what do you suggest they do? I couldn't care less. I would not go out and vote. This is too dangerous.
    And doing it by mail would still require me to go get a ballot. You can't mail then out as people could steal them out of your mailbox and send them in with you never seeing it.
    You Complain. What your solution? All they can do is postpone the election until this virus has a vaccination in reality.
    April 4, 2020 at 10:06 AM

    Whats dangerous? The destruction of this country will do more harm then this virus ever will. Joe Biden said fall in line and you did. Good job, lying dog faced pony soldier.

  9. Cancel ALL Democrats - None of them are ANY good !!!!


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