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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Apparently Jake Day doesn't believe in the Constitution

Hey Joe, check out Jake Day's latest...


Specifically at the 20:51 mark.

Apparently Jake Day doesn't believe in the Constitution.


  1. Making threats he can’t lawfully enforce

  2. Sorry, you need a facebook account to watch the video and that is something I will NEVER do.

  3. Why am all I hearing is bla bla bla.
    Permit for gathering? LOL
    I didnt know I needed a permit to see my family or friends.

    1. At 5:41 p.m. you will need a permit in the Future. It is happening in other States right now as we speak to see friends and family and it will happen here with the attitude that you have.

  4. He should have the welfare peeps he loves so much go around painting 🌈 on city buildings.

  5. Hey Jake , πŸ–•U

  6. does uh ! uh! know any other adjectives; uh uh every other word
    city needs someone with a little sense

  7. Anonymous said...
    Sorry, you need a facebook account to watch the video and that is something I will NEVER do.

    April 29, 2020 at 5:20 PM


  8. He is so full of $hit!!

  9. Well considering Jake Day is a guardsman he’s violating the oath he took to defend the constitution. Personally I hope they go after him and dishonorably discharge him for oath violations.

  10. Here are some of the dumbest questions these idiots are asking this Goober. People from different counties Mare Goober about unemployment, disability, the MVA, nursing homes, Salisbury University and Wicomico County. Just about every question had absolutely nothing to do with Jake Day or the City of Ghetto'bury.

    Rayven Rose
    What is out there to help those who have filed for disability but have not received it yet, as we are nor included in the stimulus

    Debbie Grothe
    How are we in Worcester county going to be protected from people from Delaware a hot state from getting and spreading the virus here?

    Lovely Lewis
    Why is it mandatory for adults to wear face masks but I have seen children in Walmart without them.

    Katie Eccleston
    The group that’s protesting Saturday was on Facebook. The page is called “Reopen Maryland”. Supposedly making a stop n Kent Island before continuing on to Salisbury.

    Caryn Abbott
    When do we get to see the people come off the positive list to recovered?? Seem to just keep adding to the positive.

    Charmaine Bonneville
    Are their any vaccinations that they are starting. If so I would like vaccines for me and my family.

    Betsy Diaz
    How can we get tested ? Do we need to show all symptoms to get tested ?

    Justin Atwell
    If a Delaware case of covid is moved from beebe to prmc where are the numbers tallied for de or md ??

    Carla Spear(Lives in Vienna)
    Why is it so hard to get a test? Our State just spent 9 million dollars for testing! My Son in law had a severe case of this virus! My daughter is severely diabetic! She had symptoms and they won't test her! They have four young children, my grandchildren and you want to arrest peopleπŸ™„

    Sarah Underwood
    Almost 9 hours in line, still 30,222 people in front of me. πŸ˜‚

    Bella Carrie

    Cindy Vessey(from Somerset County)
    What is out there for farmers as far as grants or loans

    David Witthauer
    Will the college open in the fall

    Jennifer Bolden - Patterson
    I really don’t understand why students are automatically disqualified for SNAP benefits. Puts a lot of stress on the parents. We are struggling!!!

    Sheila Nichols
    Hello Mayor,are you watching the no.of cases rising in Wicomico County ?

    Charmaine Bonneville
    Are their any vaccinations that they are starting. If so I would like vaccines for me and my family

    Betsy Diaz
    How can we get tested ? Do we need to show all symptoms to get tested ?

    Janet Coutinho
    When will mva open

    Kathy Marie(this RINO a$$ kisser doesn't even live in Ghetto'bury)
    I appreciate the daily live sessions that you do Jacob Day you addre keeping our community informed n you are doing a great job
    Hope all is well with you and your family

    John D Robinson
    Glad to get proper info from you. Thanks.

    Kristal Lynn Driver
    And the numbers for Wicomico?

    1. Almost all questions and comments are from women, just like the audience in the Dr Phil Show. Jake might be on to something we've overlooked.

  11. These are some funny comments that I picked out that doesn't go in favor of our Goober Mare. What an embarrassment he has become.

    Part II

    Kevin Leary
    That's what happens when idiots in power take away people's livelyhoods for a cold that is ridiculously causing more pain for no reason. All of you so called leaders will be voted out soon. Enjoy while you can.

    Art Masoero
    Be on notice, you are merely a representative of the people, not a leader.
    Also be aware that any executive over reach is both illegal and unconstitutional.
    People on Saturday will protest, and their rights respected, or you won’t have a chance choking chickens for Frank Purdue, after you are run out of town.

    Thomas DeLucca
    He is as dumb as his patch of hair on his head.

    Steve Polczynski
    What a douche bag he is....if you want to go out just do it....its your right just tell him you identify as an American Patriot and it's your constitutional right to be out

    Tom Caouette
    What matrix ?? Did it come with that height a tight want to be jar head??

    Tim Davies
    This guy needs to go.

    Tom Caouette
    Stop picking your ear on camera you pig you’ll be kicking them out of their homes soon no worries

    Tom Caouette
    Go to hell you power hungry jerk ! Nice high tight tool bag!

    Tom Caouette
    Your a disgrace to all former service members! who the hell do you think you are?? no golf ,no fishing on the bay no protesters? where the hell are we??? Power hunger pos

    Caryn Abbott
    Protests aren’t illegal, they are covered by the Constitution so reread!

    Justin Atwell
    Caryn Abbott according to Jake day the Constitution doesn't exist or can be modified when a state of emergency is declared

    Eric Runk
    Isn’t your wife in jail?

    Tom Caouette
    Power hungry jerk enjoy your power now you clown ��

    Tom Caouette
    Your disgusting!!!

    Durbin Smith-Hamilton
    He’s going to be surprised that some of his local law enforcement will be a part of that convo! Spoken with many Salisbury police who said they may join in their patrol cars we are police are over this lockdown as well. Time to open this place up!!!

    Glen Somers
    Are the criminals going to be dealt with like the old west??? I can bring some rope!!!!

  12. There are definitely more comments against this Homo than there are for him.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Well considering Jake Day is a guardsman he’s violating the oath he took to defend the constitution. Personally I hope they go after him and dishonorably discharge him for oath violations.

    April 29, 2020 at 9:34 PM

    He's a Socialist, WTF does he care?

    Time to arrest him and charge him as a traitor!

  14. I follow Jake's train wreck on fb. The comments are hilarious! Especially the ones by Glen Somers. Also, I like seeing my old friend Donna Ennis' son holding the boy's feet to the fire. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! R.I.P. Donna.


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