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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

80% of Restaurants say they may not Reopen

A poll of restaurant and bar owners found that 80% of owners are not sure they will ever reopen after the government enforced shutdown of their businesses.

Armed with new data showing that restaurants and bars accounted for 60 percent of the U.S. jobs lost in March, representatives of the Independent Restaurant Coalition renewed their call to Congress for more, and better, federal assistance for the industry’s 11 million workers.

In a conference call Thursday afternoon, the coalition reiterated that the recently passed CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program fail to meet the unique needs of independent restaurants — many of whom, the group said, risk permanent closure.

Earlier Thursday, the U.S. Small Business Administration announced that the $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program had run out of money, and wouldn’t be accepting more applications,essentially shutting small restaurants out of the program.



  1. Big businesses are swallowing up billions and continuing to lay off employees afterwards. This is what happens when you eliminate oversight of federal funding. Billions in government contracts are being given to a company currently in bankruptcy to produce masks. The question is who are they connected to?

  2. I wouldn't open a business of any kind if I knew it could be unconstitutionally forced to close and I'm forced to keep paying all the bills. Who would sign a lease on a building, especially during flu season or an election year when you can be bankrupted by Washington swamp rats using you as a political football.

  3. The swamp isn’t looking out for you proof is the big banks giving big companies bailout money meant for small businesses and no congressional oversight to be found.

  4. At best, the summer season in Ocean City and the Delaware beaches will be very bad. At worst, it will be non-existent. Either way, the future is in doubt. Not to mention the foreign student workers won’t be coming. It will extremely hard, if not impossible, to fill those jobs.

    1. It's going to be really funny when Sunsations and the other money laundering operations have their best year ever.

  5. Good now maybe people around here will stop eating cholesterol building entrail paste called "Scrapple".

    1. 12:51 Why would you give a damn whether people are eating scrapple or not eating scrapple. Nobody cares what you're eating. You should just myob,

  6. What? No business got billions from PPP? It was all based on your avg monthly payroll. I filled it out and got 125k to keep my employees paid. I hate comments that have no clue and are not based on reality and only look to stroke fear.

  7. 12:51 "People around here" will never give up our Scrapple!!! You don't like it? Then, by all means, don't eat it.

  8. 11:54 no this is what you get when you go full socialism!!!! Get ready for bread lines!!! but don't forget your mask!!!

  9. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  10. 2:08 yes and they will continue to send cash over to terrorist's in their home country.

  11. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  12. Buy made in the USA only. Do not buy made in China. Put stores like Sunsations out of business.

  13. 1:41 glad to hear you received 125K to help your small business. It is just frustrating to see restaurants like Ruth's Chris etc receive millions. Best of luck to you and your staff.

  14. oh this is horrible news now the millenials will actually have to go and buy their own food and cook it at home instead of buying processed food deep fried at applebees or some other fast food place.


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