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Thursday, April 16, 2020

$3.5 Billion Has Flowed From U.S. Taxpayers To The World Health Organization Since 2010

With his recent vow to halt and reassess all aid to the World Health Organization (WHO), President Trump legitimized critics who allege that the agency shielded information from the world about the lethality of the coronavirus and its ability to spread by human-to-human contact.

The WHO delegation highly appreciated the actions China has implemented in response to the outbreak, its speed in identifying the virus and openness to sharing information with WHO and other countries.

World Health Organization | January 28, 2020 | Beijing

The most likely presidential policy response will be to re-purpose all or most federal money from the WHO. If done in this manner, the president must notify Congress, but has the executive power to reallocate the monies to other organizations. Therefore, legitimate programs will continue to help humanity.

Responding to our request for comment, the White House, Office of Management and Budget provided a fact sheet detailing the WHO’s “corruption and abuse.”

The W.H.O. really blew it. We will be giving that a good look.

President Donald J. Trump

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com reviewed all disclosed grants by federal agencies to the WHO since 2010 and found that $3.5 billion in taxpayer money funded the WHO during this period.

What’s more, only $611.1 million of that funding came from “assessed dues” required by participating countries. The U.S. government voluntarily sent the WHO roughly $2.9 billion more than their required contribution. It’s no surprise that, annually, the United States is the largest funder of the WHO.

We also found that federal funding of the WHO remained strong during the Trump era. We compared the first three years of the Trump administration (FY2017-FY2019) to the first three years during the second term of President Barack Obama’s administration (FY2013-FY2015).

The WHO received more money under Trump than Obama (inflation adjusted): $1.4 billion versus $1.1 billion.



  1. This needs to STOP !!! All that & more to other Outside of America places

    is Ruining America !!! Makes me mad as Hell !!! While OUR own here are
    suffering !!! & Govt has the Gall to raise our taxes !!!

    Shame on them who authorize OUR damn $$$$ going to others !!!!

  2. And how much of that wound up back in the hands of some dumbocrat operatives?

  3. Mr. President, I ask you to put a stop to this.

  4. America FIRST & the rest get the leftovers !!!! From NOW on !!!!

  5. If Govt would STOP giving OUR $$$ away, there would be No need to TAX

    us at all in America & that is the way it should be !!! Fact

    1. Exclamation Point,
      Who’s image is on the currency?
      Give unto Satan that which is Satans.

  6. Don't TAX my unemployment , when you give away Billions of OUR $$$$

  7. CHINA gives 10% of that. Not too mention they have bribed the ENTIRE organization. Including our own DEMOCRAT PARTY. PRESIDENT TRUMP is against a loaded deck. But he'll win anyway.

  8. It is ALWAYS someone else's fault.
    The buck does not stop there with this Administration

  9. America should be TAX FREE !!! Wake up America !!!
    Your Govt pisses away ALL you are forced to give them anyway & More !!!!


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