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Sunday, March 08, 2020

YUCK!! What's Wrong With The Water At Wicomico High School? **LANGUAGE WARNING**


  1. It's called rust. Let the water run and it'll clear.

    1. And drinking rust is good for you how exactly

    2. Let's hope they are not drinking from the nasty germ covered bathroom sink faucet.

  2. No, it will not clear.

  3. Typical conditions living in the ghetto.

  4. all most as nasty as those getto mouths.

  5. The commentary by thug.
    Schools are like a mad max movie over running the set of Growing pains.
    It was built in 54’.

  6. smart mouths or not, why are they subjected to this, when JMB was rebuilt because of lack of a/c??? Maybe because it is the least desired school in the county? Shameful. By the way, I have children there, so I hear about the neglect of the building daily. The facilities people at the school do the best they can, but they are not a list for anything in the near future.

  7. It is just like vaccines:
    A little bit of mercury is good for you


  8. I have a family member that works there. And it's legit. The water is dreadful and unsafe. But hey since the population is 50 50 guess it's okay to let students and teachers deal with it and not get a new school like the campaign donors from the Westside

    1. I have 5 family members that work their and combined 11 kids we think it tastes fine.

  9. The water is probably fine. Growing up in Salisbury I used to live in a old house with iron pipes. When you first turned on the tap, the pipes would vibrate and then red rust would come out of the tap. Let it run for a few minutes and the water then comes out clear.

    There are people in third world countries who would fight just to have this water. It could be worse!!!
    Should be fine for washing you hands.
    Just get some bottled water for drinking.
    That's what I do here at work.

  10. it's common when there is work performed on water distribution pipes. The city has been doing work like this, in that area, on and off. the school should/could have notified.
    Again; it temporary and not that big of a deal.

  11. school rivalry and BOE playing favorites has been going on since I was in school.

  12. Those ghetto thug mouths are way nastier than the water. Can they even make sentence without the mf or f word. I don't think so!

  13. Bennett and Parkside high schools have been in the news way more than WIHI has lately!!!

  14. Why is the water unsafe?
    This is a job for the health department.

  15. Wow, and some think this is fine because it 'could be worse' as a third world country? We are NOT a 3rd would country, not yet anyway. Some of you are more ghetto than the kids you complain about.

  16. you think their mouths are bad, the kids of lighter skin color are just the same at other schools. seriously.

    oh and 5 family members comments - it is works "THERE". taste fine does not mean, GOOD for you.

    the comments here disgust me. racist almost blatant. the BOE does pay favorites and it always treats its minority and less wealthy population with disdain.

    bet you wont see that video on WBOC. But i bet if it was Beaver run you might, oh thats right, they are building a new beaver run because their water was bad.... oooops.

  17. If you are drinking out of the bathroom sink with the big sign that says do not drink for hand washing only then you truly are a special kind of stupid.

  18. I drink the water there everyday and have not seen a problem or bad taste!

  19. It has nothing to do with "the pipes" it has everything to do with the City of Salisbury and their failing water and sewer system.

    When the Hell is Bob Culver going to get water and sewer for the county so we don't have to deal with the city of Salisbury any longer????

  20. Anonymous said...
    Those ghetto thug mouths are way nastier than the water. Can they even make sentence without the mf or f word. I don't think so!

    March 2, 2020 at 1:42 PM

    Are they Wi High School kids with that language? How do you talk like that in the bathroom and then talk differently in the classroom? Something tells me they don't.

  21. Be glad it's not Mardela school. It would never get fixed. They could have raw sewage coming from the spigots and fountains and it still would not get fixed. They always get the shaft.

  22. Are you really worried that water will hurt those nasty kids? The water at ECI is better.

  23. To those of you who have a problem with these kids it's just "locker room talk" so get over it.

    1. Agreed. I have substituted in every high school in the county and they all talk like this. Black, white, asian. It does matter if they live on church street or royal mile. If you think differently, then you are in denial. Bottom line is why is this water acceptable to wi hi students?

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Be glad it's not Mardela school. It would never get fixed. They could have raw sewage coming from the spigots and fountains and it still would not get fixed. They always get the shaft.

    March 2, 2020 at 8:02 PM

    Well yeah, because it is MARDELA.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Are you really worried that water will hurt those nasty kids? The water at ECI is better.

    March 2, 2020 at 8:32 PM

    People like you should have to drink a gallon a day

    1. Corrections officerMarch 3, 2020 at 9:48 PM


      these punks will be in ECI soon enough

      they act like inmates and Ganstas

  26. Bottom line is why is this water acceptable to wi hi students?

    March 3, 2020 at 6:20 AM

    I think THAT is the question that needs to addressed more than say, where they live, who their parents are, how they talk or what they look like.

    But that could just be me.

  27. 3/3 7:10,

    I agree, but the court of public opinion has already dismissed the students that go to that school because of their demographics. It is truly astonishing in today's world. It has been that way for as long as I can remember. They will never get a new school, this will be swept under the rug in favor of the other 2 city high schools. I have children who go there, and despite the ongoing obvious neglect, I would not want them anywhere else.


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