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Sunday, March 22, 2020

You're not washing your towels enough, and they're filled with bacteria

How often do you wash your towels? Whatever it is, it's not enough. As it turns out, we're supposed to wash our bathroom towels every two to three days.

GE conducted a poll on our laundry habits in 2018.

Of those polled, 50% said they use their bath towel at least five times before washing it. Their philosophy: "I'm clean when I use it."

If you fall into this category — or are in the 14% of people who only wash their towels after eight uses — here's what you need to know.

Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist, told Time: "After about two days, if you dry your face on a hand towel, you're probably getting more E. coli on your face than if you stuck your head in a toilet and flushed it."



  1. I use them twice then change. Doesn’t everyone?

  2. Three times max, and not usually.

  3. I use a normal size towel (2ft x 3ft) not these huge fluffy bath sheet towels that many people use. That way I use it once, and wash it. That way you can wash 7 towels and 7 washcloths in the same load. Also, add a cup of white vinegar to disinfect (it doesn't smell) and no fabric softener.

    The size of many towels others use, you can't wash more than 2 at a time! Crazy!

    1. You got this figured out. Good job. Most people don’t think much about daily tasks, which is nothing more than mindlessly going through life. vmb

    2. White vinegar disinfects nothing

  4. Bathroom hand towels are bacteria theme parks. Kitchen towels are an endless bacterial buffet.

  5. OMG, no way I'm using a towel more than once then it gets washed.

  6. "As it turns out, we're supposed to wash our bathroom towels every two to three days."

    Does this include folded towels on the shelf?

  7. This article makes me cringe. I never use a bath towel or washcloth more than once and always add a little bleach to the washer. And I always use papertowels to dry my hands. Call me OCD if you want, I don't care.

  8. I wash towels after every use. I buy white towels specifically so they can be bleached every time.

  9. I use it once and then into the wash basket. I've always used vinegar in the rinse or a sanitizing detergent.

  10. No 2:06 continue what you've been doing. If you haven't died yet from not washing your towels as Towel Police say, looks like you're going to be ok

  11. People not washing their Butts enough as Toilet Paper sales
    Surge !!!!

  12. Just wait until the Female Pads & Tamp-ons run out !! Whooo

  13. If you get E. coli from your HAND towels, you aren't washing your hands properly.


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