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Friday, March 27, 2020

'You can see the destruction': Virtual reality video reveals how coronavirus damaged the lungs a critically ill American patient in his 50s - just a few days after he had NO symptoms

Eerie virtual reality video reveals how coronavirus rapidly spreads through the lungs, causing widespread and potentially long-term damage.

Doctors at George Washington University 360-degree virtual reality technology to visualize the lungs of a COVID-19 patient who was transferred to their hospital.

Just days before the images were taken, the patient, a man in his late-50s, had no symptoms whatsoever, according to CNN.

But by the time he was in the care of Dr Keith Mortman, chief of thoracic surgery at the hospital, disease had wreaked havoc in his lungs, clearly visible in the images as swaths of cloudy, green swaths of damaged tissue.  



  1. I am no doctor but the more I see and hear about things like this it makes me wonder how this is just a mutation of a coronavirus. Beginning to wonder if it really is an engineered bio weapon.

    1. Thank you

      Many of us are thinking the same thing. Also suspicious is the centralized nature of the presence of virus (according to the government). It looks like it was released in Los Angeles, New York, and Seattle. Then for good measure and as a stern warning to the population not to disobey, the released the weapon in New Orleans. They have made quite an example out of that City because it could easily spread to various locales.

      I simply don’t trust the government and believe they colluded with other governments including China.

    2. I read the virus has 4 DNA markers from HIV
      It has 1 DNA marker from H1N1

      It is a laboratory creation

  2. According to cnn, then you know it's B/S !

  3. That's why you should NOT go to a local hospital if you don't feel well. The minute that they start giving any drugs to you, you
    WILL be worse off than you were before you got there because they DON'T know how to treat it yet!

  4. unless you had before and after photos then how does anybody know exactly what that virus or any virus has done in damage? Answer: You don't!

  5. March 27, 2020 at 6:42 PM:

    Get the help you need. No, many are NOT thinking like you.

  6. March 27, 2020 at 3:59 PM:

    Yeah, "don't go to the hospital if you're sick." Stay home and die. Even though it would be better for everybody if you follow your own advice, that is just a stupid thing to say. What a covidiot you are.


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