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Saturday, March 28, 2020

WHO chief's questionable past comes into focus following coronavirus response

The head of the World Health Organization, in charge of making life or death decisions on a grand scale, has been accused of covering up cholera epidemics, supporting a terrorist organization and inflating his resume to claim he conquered malaria and HIV.

Tedros Adhanom Ghegreyesus' campaign to rewrite his questionable past has some wondering whether he is the right fit to lead the global agency through the coronavirus pandemic.

"Tedros is the second-to-last person who should be heading the world World Health Organization at this time," foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang told Fox News. "The last person is (Chinese President) Xi Jinping."

The Ethiopian official, who was elected to lead the WHO in 2017, has been accused of cozying up to countries like China that have pledged millions of dollars to the agency.



  1. I don’t trust the WHO and never will.
    It is by name a globalist organization with loyalties to no Nation. It is world communism

  2. WHO says all i need to know.self serving pigs is more like it just a wing of the hidden danger of the rainbow army. Mouth piece for WHO?

  3. POTUS knows who these deep state players are...rest assured.


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