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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

White House Coronavirus Task Force Has a Request for Hospitals Across the Nation

Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday sent a letter to hospital administrators requesting they provide any Wuhan coronavirus testing data available to the Trump administration. The goal is to arm the White House Coronavirus Task Force with data so they can make informed decisions about how to best protect the American people from the Wuhan coronavirus.

The administration is asking every hospital with testing information to update the spreadsheet they were sent every day by 5 p.m. ET.

The full letter is below:



  1. That would be fine if they were actually testing. At the moment they are only testing those exposed to others that have already been confirmed positive.

  2. Yea right.

    The military poisons us and then we provide them with play by play about our death.

    I don’t think so


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