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Tuesday, March 31, 2020



  1. Hogan has left it wide open, there is NO END DATE SET FOR MARYLAND.

  2. So right. Don't forget "Stay in place" - State border checkpoints - politicians spending 52 million on curtains for Kennedy Center, Congress getting new computers and child care due to the virus - taxpayers given 1,200/2,400 + child allotment. Sounds like socialism to me.

  3. Just as much as I'm loving this 30 days of Capitalism... price gouging for one.

    Loving capitalism and our profit driven health care model right now. Not enough supplies. Not enough beds... too costly to keep extra inventory, inventory keeps CEO pay low so none of that stuff. Loving capitalism right now... everything we need is manufactured elsewhere because of lower labor costs, and those places need the supplies too so they aren't giving them up.

    How are you all loving these socialist checks that Trump just approved and is getting out? How about the socialist bailouts for uber wealthy business owners and corporations. Loving that socialism now huh? Trump signed that socialist legislation.

    How about if we are going to have conversations about socialism or capitalism... we actually talk about them, and not straw men versions of them?

  4. A real life history lesson.

  5. Need to march on DC and demand term limits.

  6. Cashless society will come after this because governments will need to collect tax on every dollar to pay for the trillions giving away.

  7. 6:01 Don't forget the 2.5 billion in tax hikes in the next 5 years on top of all of that, and the 2.5 billion is just to make kids who are stupid and eat tide pods smarter, and to not eat tide pods!!!

  8. We gave up so many privacy freedoms half of you don't know about after 9/11. Just wait until this is over and everything they take from us. Here's where you will see changes to the actual Constitution.

    Rahm Emanuel said "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

    They finally realized that the populace will not do a thing no matter what they do. We rant on the internet and will never do a thing to stop there power grabs. They could weld you in your apartments and houses like in China and you wouldn't do a thing. The populace has been so dumb downed and pacified.

  9. 7:56,

    I'm still working due to corporate BS'ers who fooled officials that we're an essential business. Corporate money flow is interrupted.

    I don't need the stimulus money but if they're stupid enough to give it, I'm stupid enough to take it.

    I miss the old days when democrats were actually on board against the federal deficit. Remember Senator Ernest Hollings, and Tomcat Bill Clinton?

  10. 7:56 nailed it! I bet it won't stop everyone from cashing those sweet, sweet government checks. It's crazy how capitalism fails and socialist leaning interventions have to save it constantly.

    By the way, remember when a dozen or so senators committed insider trading and then a few days later everyone forgot about it?

  11. Don't forget your tax dollars are being used to bail out companies who just couldn't make it due to capitalist forces. Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the common man. That's America.

  12. Bernie Sanders dream!

  13. March 31, 2020 at 2:12 AM

    Hogan has left it wide open, there is NO END DATE SET FOR MARYLAND.

    Well, they don't know what they don't know. Until then hunker down.

  14. This is what you'll have every day of your life if Bernie is elected and very little difference if any democrat is elected. Vote Republican and keep America Great!

  15. YES , Think about Communism (Socialism) Before you Vote Democrat !!!!

    How do you like your New Taste of it !!! And it would be far Worse than now

    So Much for Bernie !!

  16. I too wonder how this virus will affect our every day life's in the future. Plastic shields in front of every cash register - or no more cash registers - limits on TP/Paper towels purchases -temperaure readings before entering a public/commerical area - coronvirous shots annually. Who knows the possibilities.

  17. 6:01____Exaggerate facts much? ? ?

  18. 1045 and 112, look who is in control. You just got $2.2T in socialism passed under GOP leadership. Cut you bullcrap.

  19. What we do is vote REPUBLICAN.........for everything, from dog catcher down to trash man.


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