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Thursday, March 05, 2020

'We'll go to war': Sanders supporter Cenk Uygur rages over Biden Super Tuesday surge

Cenk Uygur, the co-founder of the Young Turks, went ballistic on his YouTube show following Sen. Bernie Sanders's poor performance on Super Tuesday.

"Now, it's not over. Now, we're in a tie," Uygur said as early results came in for Super Tuesday, in which he lost his left-wing bid to take the seat vacated by former California Rep. Katie Hill. "And now, we got absolute, dig-in warfare against the establishment. But we didn't start the war."

The host raised his voice as he spoke about the establishment Democrats and how they "lie" about Sanders.



  1. This guy, like Bernie, AOC and Omar are Toxic anti Americans that need to be stopped.

  2. this guy is a nut, a communist nut

  3. Awee heeyy this is bullshheeettt... Watching his 2016 election night melt down was too sweet.

  4. Glad to hear that these idiots want the truth. Isn't that what our President has asked for - the media telling the truth.

  5. He's rude, too, beyond words, but that's his schtick.

  6. War?! This fat tub of lard. Only war he knows is trying to get a pack of little debbies open real fast.

  7. Anchor baby went to Columbia For FREE on us. Disney gave his YouTube show 20 million to keep going.

  8. He is a disgusting person.

  9. I don't like Sanders or is policies, but regardless, I believe he is being set up by the establishment and like in the previous election his true votes are not be counted. There was a good interview by one of his Campaigne managers who believes the same. I also believe he won Texas and his votes are not being counted. Biden is brain dead and has all the classic symptoms of someone with dementia or early Alzheimer's disease

  10. Why do immigrants want to make America into the country they left due to oppression and third world standards?


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