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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

WCSAO: Drew Carter Sentenced To Twenty Five Years

1 comment:

  1. SPD waited three days to follow the Sheriff's lead and institute Coronavirus protections for our most vulnerable first responders. That adim is about to implode and has ruined SPD for years to come. It's a crime what Duncan did to that place, the community and people who serve. There will be victims who lose justice because predators will be released, poor morale resulting in lesser service and an inability to recruit all because of her actions and inactions. They begged other officers to defect for $10k and better benefits but got no one. Who wants to board the Titantic? It's an absolute disgrace and Jake should be ashamed to be tied to it. Says as much about him as it does her, especially since he was forewarned on multiple occasions.


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