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Saturday, March 07, 2020

Watch: Hillary Clinton Takes a Swipe at Melania Trump over ‘Be Best’

When asked in a recent interview on Bravo about Melania Trump’s anti-bullying initiative, two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton didn’t commend the First Lady but instead took a shot at her and President Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton was on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen to promote the new Hulu documentary about her life and career when host Andy Cohen asked what she thought of the “Be Best” campaign.

“What do you honestly think of First Lady Melania Trump’s cyberbullying initiative?” Cohen asked.



  1. She is the sorriest looser in history, she cannot forget about the 2016 election she lost and everything is about her. No matter what the subject matter and whom she is discussing she will find fault. When she was First Lady in the White House she did nothing absolutely nothing, and even covered since Arkansas for her husbands affairs. She did nothing as Secretary of state but cause the death of 4 Americans in Bengazi, and never accepts any responsibility in the White House e-mails leaked. What she says and does is nothing but fodder for the bottom of the bird cage.

  2. And what was wrong with what she said exactly? Trump voluntarily chooses to use the bully pulpit to throw petty childish insults. This is a fact. So what again was wrong with what Clinto said?

  3. Who cares. She is a waste of a human life..

    1. Every breath of air hillary has breathed and every bite of food she has eaten in her entire life has been wasted 10:50. She is a worthless POS and always will be.

  4. HRC has no right to take a swipe at anyone. Hopefully she will be in GITMO soon.


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