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Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Warren struggles in Massachusetts as Biden beats Sanders

Elizabeth Warren never called it a must-win state for her Democratic presidential campaign, but she suffered an embarrassing defeat in her home state of Massachusetts on Super Tuesday.

Joe Biden, the two-term vice president, had 33.4% of the vote and 19-plus delegates of the state's 91 available delegates on her home turf, with 48% of precincts reporting after polls closed at 8 p.m. EST. Bernie Sanders, the senator from neighboring Vermont, had 26.2% and 11-plus delegates, while Warren had 21.4% and five-plus delegates.

Warren, 70, whose presidential bid hangs in the balance after soft performances in the first four early nominating states, was coy on her expectations in the state, spending Election Night in Detroit, which doesn't vote on Super Tuesday.



  1. Even the majority of the Mass-Holes don't see her as presidential material...

    Hopefully, the rest of the country sees Biden and Sanders the same way!

    1. You should trademark that! Masshole! 😆

  2. its in Biden is the Democratic choice

  3. She will drop out in the next few days.

    Mainly because she doesn't want to be the idiot that faces Trump this year.

    She's getting tired of getting smacked around and humiliated over her screeching and whining.
    ANOTHER career politician who claims THEY can fix what they themselves created.
    Total and complete BS.

  4. WARREN acts like a mad jilted old woman in a divorce court.Her voice is irritating.

  5. They are ALL idiots with NO chance of Winning Anything !!!

  6. she'll be VP choice


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