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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Virus Relief Hits Pelosi's Pork in the Road

"Do Democrats even care?" It's a fair question -- and the editors at the Wall Street Journal aren't the only ones asking it. Here we are, in the middle of one of the greatest crises in American history, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) swooped into town to demand new curtains for the Kennedy Center. The $35 million for the performing arts hub is just one of the shockers in the House's 1,100-page virus relief counterproposal, which proves there will never be a shortage of one thing in D.C. -- pork peddlers.

Before Pelosi showed up, Americans were finally getting a good look at what the two sides can accomplish when they work together. Hours away from a Senate deal that would put real relief into families' hands, that goodwill vanished in a cloud of sleazy opportunism. "[We were] all zeroing in on what looked like... a done deal," Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.) shook his head. "That's what disappoints me about this place," he told listeners on "Washington Watch" Monday. "We could have gotten this across the finish line," but Pelosi "wanted to commandeer the process."

Suddenly, Democrats were insisting on a whole laundry list of concessions on everything from climate change to abortion and sanctuary cities -- nothing, Braun argued, that had anything to do with saving lives or the economy. And this is all going on, he lamented, during a "bona fide effort to tamp this virus down." While the rest of the country is sitting at home, anxiously waiting for help and direction, Democratic leaders are hijacking the relief money desperately needed by hospitals, families, and small businesses. Why? Because their concern isn't helping this nation. It's advancing extremism -- no matter the cost.



  1. Cut their salaries in half for the next ten years starting ASAP now. Cut their benefits all together so they have to pay for their benefits such as gyms, haircuts, healthcare, outrageous pensions etc just like the average US citizen. That would force them to do their job are leave government service.

  2. Democrats are asking for extended unemployment. Also heard from Schumer that anyone laid off due to this virus will receive full pay check from the US Government. Please tell me I didn't hear that you will receive your full pay check plus unemployment of $600.00 per week. I'm sure I am wrong. Why would anyone want to go back to work if this is true. I believe that the Democrats want to make it easier for workers to stay home so it will affect President Trump's unemployment figures.

  3. Democrats have never really been concerned about the People. It's always been about changing the Constitution to meet their left wing ideology. Wicomico Democrats change your ways and party. You have been left behind.

  4. And now because of them no one in office is able to benefit off federal money. It's a win for both sides. Relief should be going to those who need it, not those with the best connections. Small businesses can only get money if they continue paying their employees. No free money for parasitic CEO's!

  5. Oh you better believe it. Plenty of small print in this sham. I want an investigation on the democrats china connection to the virus's timed release. Get above this emotional fervor they have created this mess hoping trump screws it up. Get these traitorous democrats in jail, fired or buried politically

  6. Better look into WHAT PORK Democrats put in the Bill !!! Slush Fund !!!

  7. Good question. Do Dems even care?

  8. Put a Fork in Pelosi she is DONE !!! 2020

  9. She won't get to eat any more Pork > she will be Ousted from Govt 2020 !!

  10. Spoke too fast. Looks like Shumer colluded with Nancy and loaded the pork into the Senate bill anyway.

  11. Where's the commenter with the Huffpo talking points?

  12. Pelosi & Schumer will only be out when they die; which can not happen soon enough.

    All the people need to demand term limits for the life long idiots currently making up our Congress.

  13. Agree. Cut salaries and all the perks. See who really wants to serve. Pelosi is the worst politician ever. Shame on San Franciscans for voting her in for over 30 years
    iacans for the past 30 years


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