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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Virginia Senate agrees to House red-flag legislation; agreements made on other gun-control bills

The Virginia Senate on Friday voted to advance red-flag gun legislation that already has passed the House as the Legislature continues working on other gun-control bills.

The legislation, a House substituted version of Senate Bill 240, gives a judge or magistrate the authority to order police to seize firearms from a person deemed to be a threat to himself or others. A person would not need to be convicted of a crime, charged with a crime or even accused of a crime to have his or her guns seized.

Under the legislation, a person whose guns have been seized will be guaranteed a hearing no later than 14 days after the seizure takes place. The law requires the police request the person give up his guns and they can receive a search warrant only if that person refuses to give them up or they have reason to believe the person is hiding weapons.



  1. Shall not be infringed? guilty until proven innocent? unlawful seach seizure laws? What if the accuser only wants that person defenceless?

  2. Lets start with Northham and his security detail... oh wait, they are above the law.

  3. Makes you wonder why they so blatantly ignore your rights to due process, is this their way of destroying the constitution more? Clearly their not concerned with possible harm or theyd incarcerate of at least remove everything like knives or axes or gas cans. Can you imagine if they ever decide to do the same with say automobiles, pull you over n claim your dangerous...impound your car for 14 days. Most would lose their jobs with domino effects. And you are the one who must make a court date...when they red flag you...you have to set things in motion to prove your not guilty. Just wrong. Something is way wrong and its not a gun issue, it is a democrat thing tho. How many years will it take to get this to the supreme court.


  5. MD is attempting the same thing with BILLS they have passed and the new ones they are on the verge of introducing.

    History repeating itself. The Civil War started in VA did it not?
    Where will the Politians hold up? Will it be at Fort McHenry? They will have added protection there, since the Gangs and Drug Dealers with illegal weapons will give them added protection.

    1. Politicians have multiple underground bunkers throughout the country to hole up in and rehearse their victory speeches until the chaos is over

  6. I was going to ask the same thing 2:35 pm...Are we at war yet?

  7. The rest of the story is after the hearing in which the gun owner needs to hire an attorney at $300 per hour, to present his case, if he loses, then he can't reapply for them back till 6 months have passed. By then the guns have dropped on the floor, lost, misplaced, or just stolen.
    If the person doing the complaining about the gun owner is found to have been lying, NO Penalty! Sounds great for pissed off wives, girlfriends, neighbors, bosses.

  8. I keep telling you.....


    The Bill of Rights only exists on paper. Your "leaders" have put OTHER laws in place (the NDAA, the Patriot Act being the most egregious) to make sure the boot is firmly on the necks of "We, the people".
    All of you "I never do anything wrong" lemmings cheered so loudly and for so long, surrendering not just YOUR rights, but everyone else's too, that "we, the people will need to revolt and hang EVERY ONE OF THEM to restore the USA as a place where freedom rings again.

    12:36 is seeing the light and telling the straight up smack-down truth. You better start paying attention.
    Red flag THAT.
    Keep cheering.

  9. The marching orders are Federal level and State politicians are trying to “out do one another” by passing ever more strict gun control. It is now fashionable to be in favor of tyrannical governments. Unbelievable

  10. Come and get em COPPER

  11. SO you have a problem with holding guns from a person who suffers form Behavior Health issues???
    What is wrong with you

  12. We have been at 'war' for quite some time now. EVERYONE has 'behavioral issues', but who gets to decide what they are and how bad they are?

    Is it just me or are the ones calling for more and more gun restrictions are usually the ones who violate that law, to begin with?

    In 2017, gun deaths reached their highest level since 1968 with 39,773 deaths by firearm, of which 23,854 were by suicide and 14,542 were homicides. The rate of firearm deaths per 100,000 people rose from 10.3 per 100,000 in 1999 to 12 per 100,000 in 2017, with 109 people dying per day.

    The most common caliber was 9 mm in both nonfatal shootings (50 of 184 [27.2%]) and gun homicides (65 of 183 [35.6%]).

    A comprehensive report by USA Today tracked all mass killings from 2006 through 2017 in which the perpetrator willfully killed 4 or more people. For mass killings by firearm for instance, it found 271 incidents with a total of 1,358 victims.[30] Mother Jones listed seven mass shootings, defined as indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed,[31] in the U.S. for 2015.[32] An analysis by Michael Bloomberg's gun violence prevention group, Everytown for Gun Safety, identified 110 mass shootings, defined as shootings in which at least four people were murdered with a firearm, between January 2009 and July 2014; at least 57% were related to domestic or family violence.[33][34]

    Other media outlets have reported that hundreds of mass shootings take place in the United States in a single calendar year, citing a crowd-funded website known as Shooting Tracker which defines a mass shooting as having four or more people injured or killed.[25] In December 2015, The Washington Post reported that there had been 355 mass shootings in the United States so far that year.[35] In August 2015, The Washington Post reported that the United States was averaging one mass shooting per day.[36] An earlier report had indicated that in 2015 alone, there had been 294 mass shootings that killed or injured 1,464 people.[37] Shooting Tracker and Mass Shooting Tracker, the two sites that the media have been citing, have been criticized for using broader criteria – counting four victims injured as a mass shooting – thus producing much higher figures.

    If you remove suicides the total killed with firearms goes even lower. How many are too many? Regardless, not enough to warrant all these unconstitutional laws they pass (IMO) and fear they generate in the masses.

    It's not about safety, keeping ppl alive or whatever they claim. It's about disarming us. They know we have the means to resist, even with their Apache helicopters, nukes, and whatever else was said, and 'they' don't like it.

    Sry about the long post but some like facts and figures.


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