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Sunday, March 08, 2020


The contractor for the high hazard Morris Mill Dam project has requested an extension until the end of May 2020. This will delay the opening of South Division Street until that time. The contactor cited errors in developing the original schedules, which incorrectly identified December 31, 2019 and March 31, 2020 as previous completion dates. In addition, the contractor is now working 10 hour days and Saturdays in an effort to reduce the schedule as much as possible.

Please contact Public Works - Roads Division at 410-548-4872 if there are any questions.


  1. WTF ??? Everytime I drive over there to check the progress I see one or two guys if anyone is there at all... They’re too slow replace this company and get an actual crew to finish it

  2. They aren’t getting anything done you got one guy pushing dirt around once in a while

  3. At this point just keep it closed and make it a nice fishing bridge

  4. Just do it right.

  5. Hey Bob how about the bridge off of rt 50 by The Hardware store ??????????? YEARS NOT TOUCHED.

  6. Same here, go by and NOTHING is being done!
    Somebody needs to stop getting paid.

  7. there are no words to explain this debacle. how many years so far

  8. must be the same group working on Rt 13

  9. This is what government graft (stealing from the Treasury) looks like.

  10. So long as the contractor is a Freemason and his Employees are Americans, I don’t care.

  11. So long as the contractor is a Freemason and his Employees are Americans, I don’t care.

  12. Now in March they are working longer hours, funny it was originally
    was supposed to be done in Sept 2019.

  13. Likely had no idea of the scale and complexity of the project they were bidding on. Next the contractor will be asking for more money to complete the project or, they go bust.

  14. @1212pm Go jump in a lake. Traffic has been horrible on RT 13 since this so called project got off the ground. If you wanna fish, go to OC. The people need access to this bridge as liaison between Fruitland & Salisbury

  15. Low bid doesn't always mean the best bid !


  16. Someone should set up a pool (pun intended) to see which finishes first: Jake's downtown tear-up; Jake's drownabout; or this fiasco?

    For context: Empire State building took 1 year and 45 days to construct, and the Bay-Bridge Tunnel took 42 months.

  17. 451
    Amazing statistics - thank you

    I've read about Chinese workers building entire bridges and roads in DAYS!

  18. No wonder the County is looking for a new Director of Public Works
    Seems like we currently have a Directors of No Public Works

  19. I, too, would like to know when they will ever fix the washed out road on Barren Creek Road, in Mardela by The Hardware Store. This has gone on entirely too long. Why isn't anything being done there? Do the right people not use that road? That must be it. I bet if some big shot politician used it, it would have been fixed pronto!

  20. Could’ve built a bridge across the wicomico river by now and eliminated the ferry

  21. Most probably some pencil pushing, egomaniac government employee BID the project and we are left to suffer not only his inadequacies as a "director" but every loophole exploited by the contractor. Learn to negotiate and insist that your lemmings know the business you place then to oversee. More incompetancies from the government class.They really are, as a group, pathetic performers.

  22. All that so rich people can have artificially made waterfront property. I hope they have to pay their fair share of property taxes.

  23. They used to Dump Raw sewage in that Pond Legally !!!!

  24. They used to Dump Raw sewage in that Pond Legally !!!!

    March 3, 2020 at 7:22 PM

    It was the way, back in the day. When I was growing up, any house close to a ditch or any body of water, had their drains fields and sewage discharged directly into the waterways. Used to see toilet paper and turds floating by in the swimming waters at Public Landing in the 50's & 60's. You could watch the sewage flow right out of pipes through the bulkheaded waterfront properties along the bay. Most all towns discharged their sewage systems directly into the rivers (some still do when overwhelmed with storm water). And then there's "Stinky Beach" in Worcester County. Our waters are, at least, less contaminated now.

    1. That’s when catfish earned their nickname “ turd wrestlers “

  25. County should have hired the same company that builds those Dollar Stores. They can have a new store built and cashiers taking money in like three days.


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