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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Today's Drink Special


  1. This is more accurate than you may think. If you go on wboc.com you will see that DC Government is permitting restaurants to serve "to go" cocktails with their curbside meals. Too bad the MD legislature isn't as considerate with our own restaurants. I guess they can't think beyond a tax increase.

    Also, in Fenwick, The Crabcake Factory on RT54 is selling discounted (fresh or frozen) crab cakes. Can't get that at McDonalds!

  2. Corrections to previous post. It is wtop.com that has the story on cocktails to go.

  3. Green turtle is open

  4. They (restaurants) can all be open for "curb service" food. Even the Royal Farms took their chairs out so you can't sit down there and eat.

  5. Evidently I've been drinking these for years under the wrong name.

  6. There ARE businesses that are ONLY bars. I'll use Scotties on RT 54 in as an example. They have NO food to offer carry out or not. The people who own businesses like this or just work there have just been cut off at the knees. All these people have bills to pay like anyone else. Why not allow drinking outside of these bars where people can isolate from each other? Are the buses in Ocean City restricted from carrying more than 10 passengers?

  7. My how times have changed. Used to be if you drank home alone there was a problem. Now it is considered a benefit to society.

  8. Finally! (For Delaware):

    Starting tonight at 8:00pm, any restaurant, brewpub, tavern or taproom with a valid on-premise license can sell alcoholic beverages as part of transactions for take-out or drive through food service.

    I'm gonna try to add a Manhattan to my McDonalds Mobile Order.

  9. The Special is CORONA BEER !!!!


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