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Sunday, March 01, 2020

"This land is your land this land is my land....."...as long as you pay the "govment"

Hi Joe,
Just curious on how others interpret this?


  1. Read the rest of the sentence.

    1. At 2:50 p.m. Uhh, I believe the rest of the sentence basically says give us your money so we can improve the resources that you can't use unless you give us your money.

  2. interpret it this way, I'm from the government and I got a badge and a gun! show me your papers!
    See what they are doing to the rockfish regs this year? total joke commercial no worries recreational well you are f'd. Don't bother thinking about taking your kid fishing either, I see you touch that rod and you're getting a ticket. and don't think about keeping anything you catch! meanwhile commercial plunder the waters!!

  3. The communist creep will continue to push our sensibilities until there are none left.

  4. I stopped buying fishing license years ago because of the constant increases. Eventually between losing heritages, pollution, inflation and unlawful taxation increase...there will be few participants. Same way with hunting, constant attacks by legislators on law abiding citizens and the 2A, making gun laws so confusing and scary to own or hunt with....soon there will be no one to buy licenses.
    The best thing that could happen to conservation and we the people would be to boycott fishing and hunting licenses...just for one year.
    Yeah I know, its tough to do when its the best thing in life...so to speak. But really would be best for all. We've gotta take our state back, our forefathers done it with a tea party. Im ready when you are.

  5. It means you cannot fish in the King's waterways, take any of the King's fish or other seafood, without first paying the King's Tribute.

  6. 3:32 has the right idea time to start pushing back on these invasion or vote with your feet. However Communist dictates is marylands way

  7. No license is required to access Maryland's great waterways, only to fish them, just like every state in the Union.


    1. At 4:34 p.m., as 3:25 p.m. commented. Just look at the wording. Yes we can get on the water without a license but now they are rephrasing it as if you need a license to go on the waterways. Even though it's not that way right now once they get everybody thinking that you need a license to do anything then the sheeple will follow

  8. Revenue generated...what a crock of craaap!

    It's another revenue stream for the general fund....

  9. People are beginning to awaken in spite of the amazing efficiency of public education's mind-control techniques. Many still believe the ridiculous story about Apollo 11 visiting the Moon in 1969.

    Everything (yes, Everything) is the property of the international banking families - about 300 of them in total all claiming to have descended from the 13 bloodlines of the Saduccees. The governments work for them because they are indebted to them. These families have the authority to print currencies all around the world. They are the owners of the Central Banks.

    Public Lands belong to the families.
    We are given permission to visit them from time to time.

    Question: How many of us are able to pay just "our share" of the $21 Trillion debt of the US Government?

  10. Exactly 4:34, you took words right out of my mouth.

  11. 4:34 you forget about boat registrations/license? car license / reg just to get there? dream on clueless!

  12. February 28, 2020 at 3:24 PM:

    Your comment is totally off topic. This is a notice for a recreational fishing license in NON_TIDAL waters. That is not where Rockfish are found and a non-tidal license does not permit one to fish for Rockfish.

  13. February 28, 2020 at 7:27 PM:

    Yeah, you can "get on the highways" without a license too, but that car better be registered, just like a boat has to be registered, if you "go on the waterways." You don't need a fishing license to get out on the water, or a driver's license to go for a ride somewhere. If you didn't understand it, it's saying the fishing license funds go to more than just a license that gives permission to take fish from our waterways. Your driver's license only qualifies you to drive a car. And "sheeple" is such elementary thinking. Are you still hanging out in mom's basement?


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