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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

‘This Is Not A Game’: Perdue Farms Workers Walk Out Over Coronavirus Concerns

KATHLEEN, Ga. (CBS Local) — Approximately 50 workers at the Perdue Farms plant in Kathleen, Georgia, walked off the job Monday morning, saying they don’t feel safe working there during the coronavirus pandemic.

Kendaliyn Granville told CBS affiliate WMAZ some workers on the production line were in contact with people who tested positive for COVID-19 and the company should do more to protect workers.

“We’re not getting nothing — no type of compensation, no nothing, not even no cleanliness, no extra pay — no nothing. We’re up here risking our life for chicken,” she said.

Perdue says it is doing “everything we can to take good care of our Associates while continuing to produce safe and reliable food.”



  1. That's why they need to unionize.

  2. Strength in numbers

  3. Yeah well I work for the hospital and would trade places with them right about now. Grow up, people.

    1. You can trade anytime. Perdue in Salisbury is always hiring.

  4. Good old union politics....trying to hold companies hostage! They learn from Dumbocrats in DC!!!

  5. Yeah 9:16. Unions are the answer. You can be the first to pay 3 times more for your chicken sandwich.

    1. Keep taking that Chinese medicine 10:39, you're intelligent is showing

  6. Grow up?

    Do you mean continue working at a chicken plant with people who have COVID-19? Is that what you mean? Is that “being an adult” in your reality?


  7. It's Perdue. Enuff said
    Have you ever tried to have an enlightened conversation with young Perdue and his ilk?

  8. It takes a tuff man to make tender chicken!! Best damn Chicken around! Thanks Perdue

  9. The next generation of Perdue kids and Jake Day are out of the same mold. Is it any wonder there are things like this going on in a company Jake Day's father is in charge of? Just like the rest of the progressive liberals their willing to sacrifice lives at the bottom of the totum pole to reach their ultimate goal

  10. We don't know the whole story - only what the media reports. Let's give them a break. Why do you critize people who bring food to your table - do you want to step up and do their job - I don't think so. I don't like Unions either. They were needed at one time but not in today's world. Only makes Union leaders wealthy.

    1. "only makes Union leaders wealthy", you are so misinformed 5:54

  11. There are several companies starting to offer hazard pay right now as either temporary wage increases or 1 time lump sums. Walmart, Wawa, and most of the grocery store chains to name a few.

  12. Years ago their word was as good as a contract - within the last ten years, management there has become pretty slimy - they'll say one thing and screw you over for calling them out on it - even with witnesses!

    Years ago, the entire chicken industry took a downturn! While flush with cash in the band and after promising no layoffs...they laid off a big chunk of their highly qualified staff! Most had to leave the shore to find similar employment.

    "everything we can" only relates to getting product out the door nowadays!

  13. DO we not see Perdue as an essential service? DO we cut off our food supply?

    1. Who are “WE”?

      You and me?
      I don’t get to make decisions about food supply. Do you?

      Stop identifying with the government

  14. "All of our associates have up to four weeks of paid time off, and we encourage them to stay home if they feel ill or may have been exposed to the virus. Importantly, we are also working to make our paid leave policies even more flexible during this time to be responsive and provide added relief to Associates."

    That's a nice way to put it but that's a lie. You have 4 wks of time off if you've worked there for a million years. You get 1 wk your 1st yr, Wk and a half at 2 yrs, etc. And the time is accrued. It's not like it used to be where you were hired and had 2 wks vacation on day one. And the PTO time that Perdue offers is also your sick time. So if you have 1 wk of PTO, that's vacation and sick time. If you use up your PTO then you have to look at Short Time Disability. It's crap and they haven't offered anything besides that during this virus. They want the people at the plants to be happy they have a job and to keep working so they can make a ton of money. They're taking advantage of people's desperation for a paycheck.

  15. Chicken is Priority Not Workers !!!!

  16. The only purpose of unions is to be a slush fund fo Dems. You may as well write a check to Nancy Pelosi.

    1. My Union pension tells a different story 12:59. I'm retired and living the good life. Will you be able to say that at 62

    2. Keep depending on a union pension and or social security. I'm amazed at how cocky and arrogant the working man can be and how they take for granted that piddly union pension will keep coming monthly

  17. @March 25, 2020 at 11:59 AM. And you just showed your level of "intelligence". Spell it correctly and you will not seem so dumb.


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