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Monday, March 30, 2020

There Is A New Symptom Of Coronavirus Infection According To US Nurse

A new symptom has been observed by a nurse treating COVID-19 patients. Chelsey Earnest, a Life Center in Kirkland worker, said red eyes might be a symptom of the coronavirus infection. In an interview over a mainstream media outlet, Ms. Earnest said that she had observed this in all of the COVID-19 patients. They have what she calls “allergy eyes.”

A Reddish Outer Area

Ms. Earnest revealed that the white section of the eye does not turn red. It is more like the patients have put on a red eye shadow on the outer area of their eyes. She also said that they had had patients admitted recently having only red eyes as their symptom and yet they died. Those patients tested positive for COVID-19.

She recalled that there is even one disaster medical control physician asking her if the patients have red eyes. Ms. Earnest had answered in the positive, and immediately, the physician would say they will find a bed for the patient. The nurse said that coronavirus infection might be affecting the patients in dissimilar ways, hence the occurrences of such symptoms.

An Unlisted Symptom

Red eyes are not among those listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC as a symptom of coronavirus infection. According to the CDC, coronavirus infection produces symptoms like cough, shortness of breath, and fever. The health body said these are the main symptoms.



  1. Kirkland? Did someone say Kirkland Hall? Oh, Kirkland must be just the town where the Life Center in the article is located. I thought there was finally going to be a story about Kirkland Hall’s alleged actions and arrest.

  2. Red eyes............it's an eastern shore symbol.


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