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Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Wicomico County Health Department Press Conference 3-19-2020


  1. Useful information but, couldn’t the person operating the camera have “zoomed in”? So, now gatherings of 10 or more people. Are we to report such gathering to the Sheriff’s office? Is there allowed 10 or more people in grocery stores? What about air travel out of the SBY Airport? Are Piedmont’s 50-seat aircraft now only allowed to fly with its crew if 3 and 7 passengers? What about the same for public transportation? Is Wayne going to stay on board as Director of Administration during this critical time or is he out May 1st?

  2. 1:05
    I agree they could have zoomed in. The video on the City of Salisbury page is zoomed in more but you can't hear them.

  3. They preach to practice social distancing and these bozos are standing close to each other just so they can remain on camera. Lewis and Day are right in each others face whispering. Do as I say, not as I do. Did Day say he was just across the bridge? WHY? Everything can be done online. He should have remained LOCAL!

  4. honestly, I do not feel confident in the ability of at least half of these folks! Day - NO. Duncan - NO. Glanz - sorry, but NO. The mayor should have hired drinking buddies with more experience in such high stakes situations. PS, his former dept city admin is now working as a waitress. That is wayyyy more suited to her resume.

  5. The lucky mayor , this has taken the heat of him and his wife " the druggie"

  6. Why wasn't there anyone from the County Council there? Why weren't they invited?

  7. Can anyone tell us what Julia Glanz really has to offer? She was nothing but an unemployed community activist before Jim Ireton hired her because they were gay buddies and she helped him on his campaign.

  8. This embarrassment of a press conference pretty much sums up exactly why everyone thinks we are simpletons on the Eastern Shore.


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