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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Wicomico County Executive FY 2021 Budget Hearing // March 27, 2020


  1. many don't know if they will have jobs after this pandemic. If you lost your job, then its a good time to look for a job out of this county and out of this state. Sell all and get out while you can.

  2. When will Wayne Straussburg be gone?

  3. March 31, 2020 at 7:06 PM What makes you think it is any different anywhere else? Right now every community is in the same place we are to some degree. Although it is worse for us due to our 70% rental rate, 40% poverty rate, minimum wage community, with an 8+% foreclosure rate.

  4. Lets see what they will do when most of us can no longer pay our property taxes.

    The big secret in this county is that most of the home are in pre-foreclosure. I have neighbors on my road who told me they are making partial payments to the county because they cannot come up with enough money to pay the property tax bill.

  5. Dr. Ennis is still cute.


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