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Sunday, March 22, 2020

The U.S. Government Is Preparing For An 18 Month Pandemic And "Critical Shortages"

According to the document, this coronavirus pandemic “will last 18 months or longer”
A federal government plan to combat the coronavirus warned policymakers last week that a pandemic “will last 18 months or longer” and could include “multiple waves,” resulting in widespread shortages that would strain consumers and the nation’s health care system.

The 100-page plan, dated Friday, the same day President Trump declared a national emergency, laid out a grim prognosis for the spread of the virus and outlined a response that would activate agencies across the government and potentially employ special presidential powers to mobilize the private sector.
I can’t even imagine what our country would look like if current conditions stretched into the middle of 2021.

As a nation, I don’t believe that we would be able to handle it.

The document also envisions that there will be “critical shortages”



  1. More people will die due to the collapsing economy then if we just let the virus run its course.

    1. And crime will skyrocket too. Just wait and see.

    2. I agree with 214 and 259

  2. Remember the 3 day rule.

    All of you cheerleaders and sheep, it says that after 3 days without food, water and electricity, your lifelong best friend will kill you for yours.

    I'll bet owning a gun looks a lot better now than it did last month.

    They (the "leaders") are not telling us everything....
    The entire country will be under the so-called "shelter in place" orders at some point in the near future and will be enforced by armed men.
    They just won't be the only ones armed.

    It could get pretty ugly, pretty quick.

    1. Oh, stop watching Mad Max movies.

    2. Yeah dude, you're nuts lol. Your dog is not going to eat you. Sounds to me like you're a wanna be soldier wearing an internet kevlar around the house

    3. He's telling the truth. Yall keep thinking everything's good. We will survive....you will not.

  3. Anyone with a truck outfitted to empty septic tanks is going to get RICH. “Use toilet tissue ONLY in septic systems... Any other product will DESTROY the entire system....(cost of repair/replacement approx $12,000.) ..Also note that cloth products in municipal sewage will “burn up” electric motors on sewage pumps..

  4. And hurricane season is just around the corner.

  5. To add to 2:16 pm. Do not flush your contact lenses down the toilet. They stick to the piping. It has been proven.

    1. It takes a really big contact lens to plug a sewage line

  6. @2:16

    Yeah, with the toilet paper shortage followed by the paper towel shortage, I'm imagining people have one particular plan for those paper towels.

    Anyone on municipal sewage, prepare for the fecapolypse.

  7. 214 my hands are registered and up to date. Thank you.

    1. Well tell me how that works for ya when the other man has a gun. Thanks.

    2. There’s no such thing.

  8. 2:14...Unless they can dodge a bullet or stop one, your "registered hands" won't help much....
    5:21...your dog WILL eat you. So will your cat. It depends on how long they have to go without electricity. (that's a joke, for the goofs in the crowd).
    Lastly, I'm a Vietnam era honorably discharge veteran.
    Which branch did YOY serve in? The Peace Corp, maybe??
    Probably not....they wanted people to WORK, not one's who major in video games and basement living.

  9. OH , Yes , TOILET PAPER !!! Order Defense Contractors to

    Ramp it up !!! # 1 weapon needed !!!!

  10. How will they know if people have it if they aren’t testing people?

  11. i can pump my own sewage right out back yard

  12. Finely some good news, the civil war is going to start this summer!

    1. Yes

      that's why law Abiding citizens are buying arms and ammo

      the snow flakes, like Antifa , are about to get a good ass beating

  13. Trade bullets for toilet paper !!!

  14. Trade bullets for Tamp-ons & Pads !!! LOL Priority !!!


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