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Monday, March 23, 2020

The battle for Los Angeles is LOST… LA County announces NO MORE TESTING for coronavirus

In a stunning admission that the speed of the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus has overwhelmed government officials and health care providers in California, Los Angeles County has now surrendered to the coronavirus. According to the LA Times, “Los Angeles County health officials advised doctors to give up on testing patients in the hope of containing the coronavirus outbreak, instructing them to test patients only if a positive result could change how they would be treated.”

The paper goes on to report the cause behind this catastrophic abandonment of any last hope of containment:

The guidance, sent by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to doctors on Thursday, was prompted by a crush of patients and shortage of tests, and could make it difficult to ever know precisely how many people in L.A. County contracted the virus.



  1. They were testing people who were not sick. Liberal policy’s don’t want to hurt feelings.

    1. True and then the same people might want to get tested again next week. How many test are available? You can be virus free today, pick up a germ tomorrow and test positive. Testing is not like a vaccination.

  2. WOW! Very disconcerting. Also read Italy is not treating persons over 60.

    1. It had been 80... that will account for the huge death rate there.

  3. This should be alarming to all Americans. This virus is serious and should not be taken lightly.

  4. Sounds reasonable when you are overwhelmed..

  5. Why do you people support the propagation of crap articles that do nothing but misinform. There is a shortage of tests so it makes perfect common sense to only use those tests when/where they are most needed. That doesn't mean anyone has thrown in the towel.

    Example: I guess the author totally missed where CA is on lock down intended to reduce transmission. Using time and resources to test only when the confirmatory test would help improve treatment is a key move in this scenario for continuing to battle through.

  6. 827 you are the type of immature idiot who should back away from the computer and stop spouting nonsense during this time of emergency. You can come back out when adult time is over.

    1. Tell it! Some people have to hear it! You get the golden hall monitor sash! Keep it up!

  7. Its no wonder why they werent concerned about cleaning their streets up. The sanctuary counties in md are getting hit pretty hard too.

  8. So now California is killing off all those illegal immigrants they let into their state.

  9. The only purpose of testing is to track the spread of this virus.

    There is NO other purpose.

  10. So sad when democrats in charge.

  11. California deserves NOTHING !!! Sanctuary STATE !!!


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