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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Tent Outside PRMC Emergency Department


  1. First PRMC is completely outclassed by Beebee and now they're lame response is a tent? Wow...really impressive PRMC....you continue to lower the bar on the shore. Kudos

    1. You are a fool. If you come down with the "hoax" symptoms from this "hoax" virus, make sure to demand you receive no medical treatment.

    2. Other Maryland hospitals are setting a triage tents as well. University of Maryland Medical Center and John Hopkins have both stated they will be setting theirs up as well.

  2. 5:41 PM I would rather sit in the tent than in the waiting room being coughed on by a bunch of coronians.

    People need to be separated.
    Fake outrage

  3. Good way to separate the corona virus patients from other emergencies. Should be protocol at all hospitals and urgent cares.

  4. They are being proactive! Triage patients outside and keep the infection OUTSIDE the hospital. Genius, kudos to them.

  5. We have zero cases

    1. Baaahahahahaha you really think so? Read what PRMC has been posting on the corona virus facebook page all while delmarva now runs cover. Call the health department they say. They are doing the tests they say. Guess who closed today indefinitely? Good luck getting an answer. Its here. They won't tell you what you already know.

    2. The virus has been here for months many have had it and done with it. This is not a new thing.

  6. I think it’s been there for at least a few weeks. I think it’s to shelter patients from precipitation while they’re waiting for pickup upon discharge.

  7. The tent is a great idea to keep the inside contaminate free

  8. Peninsula

  9. It’s the kind of thing that happens when an industrial engineer is the president.

    1. You got that right. All his VPs are looking for jobs elsewhere. He is running them into the ground and couldn't care less. They are all livestock in his eyes. PRHS wake the hell up. You've got a mad man at the helm.

  10. Don’t think a national crisis creates a competition - 5:41, you’re such a simple minded bottom feeder. Kudos to Bebee, PRMC, AGH, Nanticoke, McCready, Riverside, Shore Health and Bayhealth for all you do to keep the shore well.

  11. 541 You really don't know what you are talking about. The featured pic was taken before the final enclosure was finished. How about the Salisbury News editor take another look.
    But that's OK, PRMC is in the top 250 hospitals which isn't to bad considering the demographics of Salisbury and surrounding areas. And yes, welcome Nanticoke and Mccready to the PRMC family.
    It is so easy to be critical and negative so 541 stay in your momma's basement or better yet get outside take a hike.

  12. Band-aid station. 😂

  13. and will let their staff work without N95 mask!

  14. I think I'd rather stay home in my bed than have to be sick in a tent.

  15. PRMC almost killed me. LITERALLY! Stay away from there. Go over the bridge. If anyone has Dr. Maul as a urologist, stay away from him. I wouldn't let him work on my dog. You know why? He'll kill the dog!

  16. There is too a case here, Someone went in to the PRMC Group office Monday and tested negative for the FLU but has FLU/Corona symptoms, They said they had traveled and came back sick, still waiting on the test, but they have corona, and NO I don't expect any of you cowards in the health industry to even mention it because you think by hiding it will help you or not cause panic, when you dumb-asses clearly know, the unknown is what causes panic... Lying to people is what causes panic...

    1. You said “symptoms”. They were “tested” but waiting on results. Then you said “but they have corona”. Something doesn’t add up here. Then you called the health professionals “d-a’s”. Humm. Just asking for a friend.

    2. You're a liar

  17. Show that to the dumb ass woman that went there last week and walked into the hospital looking for someone to tell her why she was sick. (Not critically ill, mind you, just a headache and fever). That was after driving all over town looking for someone that would treat her.

  18. March 17, 2020 at 10:01 PM:

    That right there is stupid and dangerous advice. ALL of the "confirmed" corona virus case are on the other side of the bay, you idiot. Why not just jump into the lions den?

  19. I am thankful that our community has this excellent heath care provider.


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