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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Take a virtual tour of Beaver Run Elementary


  1. Another County school that didn't need to be replaced!

  2. That is quite the school. I do understand that when building a school, that you must be up to the current code, but, I think the design is a little over kill.

  3. Someone has a crazy imagination, every person, students and teachers, are all the same color. Jakey Boy is not going to like this virtual tour

  4. BR is a pretty old school - I attended in the 4th grade and am 51+. Not saying it needs to be replaced but certainly needs work - parking for teachers and parents during pick-up gets pretty bad and can be a mess during elections - as it is my polling place.
    Virtual tour makes it look like it will handle parking much better and I love the disappearing teacher at -0:28 :).

  5. Have any of you commenters been in the school in the last 50 years? Go ahead and ask for a visit and then come back and comment again.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Have any of you commenters been in the school in the last 50 years? Go ahead and ask for a visit and then come back and comment again.

    March 11, 2020 at 3:25 PM

    Yes I have and many times. Your point is???


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