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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Surgeon general says U.S. cases are at the point where Italy was 2 weeks ago

WASHINGTON — The U.S. surgeon general said Monday that the number of coronavirus cases in the United States has reached the level that Italy recorded two weeks ago, a sign that infections are expected to rise in America as the government steps up testing and financial markets continue to fall.

“We are at a critical inflection point in this country, people. We are where Italy was two weeks ago in terms of our numbers,” U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams told Fox News. “When you look at the projections, there’s every chance that we could be Italy.”

Two weeks ago, there were 1,700 cases of coronavirus in Italy and the country had reported 34 deaths. Now, Italy is reporting an estimated 25,000 cases and more than 1,800 people have died. There are about 3,800 cases reported in the United States and so far, more than 65 people have died from coronavirus.



  1. They sprayed Italy about 2 weeks before they sprayed the US

    Get ready!

  2. Don't we have more than 6 times Italy's population. Some people need to go back to elementary school and learn math.

  3. They are saying this will not even peak for 45 days and to expect no 15 days but weeks of NO BUSINESS AS USUAL. I give it two weeks before the looting begins.

  4. 1:28 it's about the spread genius.

  5. 3:30 - never even thought about that. I am must be getting old.

  6. Looting and martial law are just around the corner. If you dont have your home prepared for a month of self maintenance, you have a few days left to get there. That includes food, water, medicine, and the ability to keep others from taking it.

  7. Looting? Yeah, they are already planning how they will be successful. Sad so many will die just to get a pair of shoes for free.


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