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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Steve Hilton: Flatten the coronavirus curve, but not the economy, before it's too late

Now, you've been hearing everywhere else about the coronavirus and the latest numbers and the medical response. But I want to focus on what I think is an even bigger crisis, and that is the economic, social and above all, human cost of the total shutdown policy.

No one should question the seriousness of this virus, and especially as I said last week, the need to avoid so many hospitalizations at the same time that our medical system can't cope. The chosen strategy is social distancing, and right now, that involves extreme measures to shut down daily life.

But there is a huge gap between sensible social distancing and the total shutdown spreading across the country. Just as the spread of coronavirus creates a curve of the number of people infected, this economic shutdown is creating a curve of the numbers of people affected, losing their jobs, their homes, their businesses.

I'm not sure that the people on TV have grasped how serious this is. To the extent they're focusing on it at all, they are using completely the wrong frame of reference. They talk about a recession like the one we had in 2008. What planet are they on? We've never seen this before, a total self-imposed shut down of the economy. Businesses large, medium and small will lose all their revenue. Not a slight reduction, or even a steep reduction like in a recession, but all of it -- gone. No income, nothing, potentially for months.



  1. Monday evening, Trump stopped Democrats’ attempts to advance their leftist political agenda by hijacking the coronavirus relief bill and filling it with partisan demands that are not related to the coronavirus crisis. Go, Trump!

  2. Flatten the curve and you will spread this and kill alot of people. Not to mention over run the hospitals.
    New York has a 13 percent hopsitalization rate, which is at this point expected to be 10 percent across the country.. 20 percent of those between the age of 20 to 40. It will consume our hospitals.
    Second to only ages 60 to 80.

  3. Nothing like enabling alcoholics! This is the same stupid mentality as Len Foxwell and Peter Franchot.

  4. 8:55 you really need to take the time to understand the objections.
    Don't be fooled by McConnell's spin

  5. Destroying the global economy was the agenda of the bioweapon

    Why aren’t more people mad about the release of a biological weapon? I don’t understand why there isn’t a revolt going on right now

  6. democrats will never fail to use any situation to push their agenda! total bs and they ought to be taken out back and dealt with severely!


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