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Tuesday, March 31, 2020


(PIKESVILLE, MD) -- Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel Woodrow Jones III has directed troopers to continue their public education and enforcement efforts regarding the Governor's Executive Orders and last night issued specific instructions regarding the stay-at-home order. 

Those instructions are as follows: 

 Enforcement of the expanded Governor's Executive Order will be conducted by Maryland state troopers. However, troopers will not make traffic stops simply to ask drivers where they are going to determine if their travel is essential or not. 

 If, in the course of the regular performance of his/her duties, such as during a crash investigation or a traffic stop, the trooper develops information indicating the individual was engaged in non-essential travel, enforcement action can be taken, in consultation with the state's attorney's office in that jurisdiction. 

 While it is not necessary for drivers in Maryland to have documentation about the purpose of travel, having such documentation may help resolve questions. 

 Troopers will continue to initiate enforcement action when a business or group of more than 10 people is observed in violation of the Governor's Executive Order. 

 The Order does not prohibit people from going to the store to get groceries or prescriptions, seeking medical attention at an urgent care facility, getting cleaning or laundry supplies. In addition, the Order does not prevent people from going out to get necessities for pets or other livestock. 

 The Order allows for travel to care for a family member, friend, pets, etc. Citizens are also permitted to travel for transporting family, friends, pet or livestock for essential health and safety activities. 

 The Order also allows for travel to and from an educational institution to receive meals or instructional materials for distance learning. 

 The Order allows for outdoor exercise activities (done in accordance to with social distancing guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and crowd gatherings of 10 people or less. However, such actives may not be done at a park that has been closed by state or local government. 

 Restaurants can be visited if obtaining food for carry-out or drive-thru only


  1. In the worst case scenario I thought prisons were being evacuated.Too many unanswered questions about what to do with violators.

  2. @11:28 it's a misdemeanor that comes with a 5,000 dollar fine. What do you really think the state will enforce the year in jail or the 5 grand fine?

    1. The Charles county man arrested the other day for violation of the emergency law is being held without bond... and Maryland courts won't open until May...so his butt is sitting in jail... they will make an example of him.

  3. Evacuate the prisoners to where?

  4. Stopped for driving in excess of speed limit this morning on the way to the Post Office. Police implied nonessential trip. I told him to please put that in writing along with my warning, so that I could enclose a copy of it to my creditors; so they would understand why they are not getting paid when I cannot get to the Post Office to get their bills. Possible?

  5. The SP are not working, or if they are, they are not patrolling the highways. In the last three days, I have seen none in over 100 miles of driving. Where are they hiding? They are scared to stop anybody for FEAR of getting the virus. Hell, they will shoot you if they "fear for their lives" (the common excuse for shooting unarmed citizens). That same fear will keep them from going out and stopping cars for traffic violations, when they have to have contact with the drivers. They can't do the thing that they do in all traffic stops, that is "escalate," because that would entail touching the person. Nope, the SP will be stopping no one for the immediate future. They will ALWAYS protect themselves first. They are not there to protect the public unless it's at no risk to themselves.

  6. You're a perfect example of how the Government can use irrational fear to turn someone into a freedom loving patriot into a good little citizen of a totalitarian state. Pathetic.

  7. SP are sitting at intersections down Fruitland way while road paving going on.

  8. I watched a car get pulled over in Westover last night on my way home from work and then I saw a State Trooper in the Emergency Turn section between Eden and Princess Anne on my to work this morning.

  9. There are still a few nonessential businesses in Salisbury thinking they can continue to operate under the radar with a total disregard for the health of our community. It's all about the money!

    1. Maybe they've got to make a living?

  10. Anonymous said...

    There are still a few nonessential businesses in Salisbury thinking they can continue to operate under the radar with a total disregard for the health of our community. It's all about the money!

    March 31, 2020 at 1:15 PM

    What about the total disregard for our community that went on before the Chinese Corona virus made its entrance? Shootings, Stabbings, robberies and our own Mayor's wife out whoring with children for drugs?
    You can die any day by any way in America. Disregard for our community happens everyday.

  11. Lol .... Officer .. where are you going sir.... Awwww getting food .... Ohhhhh OK.

  12. Police state more is going on than what you are being told this is the new society norm get used to it as it will be changing forever under the impression oh it's because of a virus it's for your protection lmao

  13. It's against the law for law enforcement to stop you and ask where you are going.

    1. Happens all the time 3:43, usually right after you hand them your license and registration

  14. Oh? You're a lawyer now? Where did you get your law degree

  15. LOL I haven't seen any MSP where are they Commander ? Hiding behind the Scales . PATHETIC.

  16. 5:56 He has already stopped you for some other infraction. You people just keep drinking the coolaid

  17. I have been on the highway several times to get groceries and meds. I have seen many a trooper and sheriff cars. No one has stopped me or giving me the stare! I respect the law enforcement people for a great and hard job you have. I know they are busy and have more to do than stop and ask everyone where they are going! They give you the opportunity to obey the Governor’s directive and it seems the majority are!


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