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Thursday, March 26, 2020

State-Backed Chinese Hackers Launched Massive Campaign Against U.S. In Early 2020, Report Says

According to a top security firm, in early 2020 state-backed Chinese hackers conducted one of the largest espionage campaigns in recent years, targeting telecommunications, healthcare, government, defense, finance, petrochemical, manufacturing, and transportation organizations in the United states and around the world.

Referring to the hackers as APT41, Christopher Glyer, Dan Perez,Sarah Jones, and Steve Miller of FireEye stated, “This activity is one of the most widespread campaigns we have seen from China-nexus espionage actors in recent years.

The Trump administration is well-aware of China’s maleficent cyber-activities; in December, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein warned, “China stands accused of engaging in criminal activity that victimizes individuals and companies in the United States, violates our laws, and departs from international norms of responsible state behavior.”


1 comment:

  1. I guess their pissed off now that they don't have the keys to the palace anymore with Trump in office


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