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Friday, March 27, 2020

Something's Not Right......


  1. If they are dead you don't count them as cases or.....................
    Let's remember they are a communist country and are likely to lie about anything and everything.

  2. Interesting article on communist Bloomberg news this morning. Just in the fourth quarter alone Wuhan ordered 2000 more urns than usual. Since that would have only been the December deaths and only Wuhan, you gotta imagine nationwide they dialed up more in the 15-20 thousand death range.

  3. Lies. Lies and Lies. But the democrats hold them up as a great example.

  4. 21 million phones were turned off during this time. Google it. Some of the reports think at least 5 million are dead. One thing for sure, China lied.

  5. China is probably lying.
    Also, remember that when they did get serious the did hard core lockdowns which broke the infection cycle.

  6. Not just China. Look at all the countries that have managed to slow it down to a crawl. They all routinely wear face masks in public all the time. Huge city like Beijing could have been like NYC, but they are so polluted they wear n95 masks everywhere. Then add a 4 week shutdown and down to a crawl.

  7. Is someone believing what comes out from China...the source of the virus, and the ones that covered up that it was even released on their soil until it already was exported to the rest of the world? Yeah, something not right for sure. Can't believe Chinese lies. Those aren't facts or statistics, it is propaganda. Is China posting here?

  8. With the world watching, no way is China going to report accurately what is going on. There are several "leaks" however emanating from Wuhan indicating the situation is dire.

  9. My source on the ground says different. Stock up people. Don’t panic.

  10. MAYBE... I don't really trust the numbers coming out of China, however you have to take into consideration that as a whole the United States is much more unhealthier than China - we have a 40% overweight/obesity rate and at least 50% maybe more of our population over 55 is on at least one/two prescription medication. I think our numbers are going to sky rocket. Our health care system was already at a breaking point - this is going to push in completely over the edge. We will soon be hearing about bailouts for hospital systems and health insurance companies and Medicare solvency will raise its ugly head again.

    1. And China has a Unhealthy way of eating bats n rats n cats .

  11. Check out Jason Goodman on YouTube. China: Contagion of Global Manipulation with Special Guest Bishop Larry Gaiters. 2 hours of great info. Explains a lot.

  12. And Trump wants to reopen America WHILE NYC is being over run by this pandemic ?

  13. 10:51 Agree - but the United States has an unhealthy way of eating meat, meat and more meat and a lot of dairy - all contributing to climate change - the earth is fighting back this is one of her strongest attacks.

    1. Climate change? I'm still waiting for the earth to freeze from the 70's prediction... the earth has been changing for billions of years, heating and cooling in NATURAL cycles, sometimes for hundreds of years. Go take your germ ridden reusable grocery store bag and watch MSNBC some more.

  14. "mainland" china does not have 1.4 billion.

  15. March 27, 2020 at 9:37 AM:

    You do know that Americans don't eat dogs and cats, and bats and rats don't you? The Chinese eat all kinds of nasty things. It's the nasty things that gave them the viruses. And you think they are "healthier" than Americans! Not logical. You can't even imagine the things they eat without any government oversight or inspection. Blood and guts killed right in front of the consumer and taken home. They have 1.5 billion people and they don't see "losing" a few thousand, or tens of thousands as any big deal. The survivors just figure they have less competition. India's population has the same cultural view of mass deaths as China. No big deal.

  16. March 27, 2020 at 10:49 AM:

    NYC residents have to take this thing seriously. Trump can't solve it for them, and he can't be blamed for what happens to them. The residents still aren't taking it seriously even now, as the residents are fleeing the city and spreading the infection rapidly up and down the East Coast. Shelter in place? Not them! Hard to say but I have no sympathy and wish Trump would seal the city from the rest of America. Eventually NYC will all be infected, dead, or recovered,,,,eventually. It is their destiny for not following the guidelines for preventing the spread of the virus.

  17. March 27, 2020 at 2:23 PM:

    Nit picking over a few hundred thousand? Why? Even the Chinese have no idea how many people there are. It's not like they have a census. Many Chinese (most) living in poverty can't even read. Their population numbers are only extrapolations from pockets of data. No government can actually count over a billion people.

  18. March 27, 2020 at 11:18 AM:

    What pandemic STARTED in the United States from consuming meat? I'm trying to figure out if you're a vegetarian or a climate change fanatic (or both).


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