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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

SNL host John Mulaney blasted for joking it would be ‘interesting’ if senators stabbed President Trump after comparing him to Julius Caesar

Comedian John Mulaney was blasted this weekend after comparing President Donald Trump to Julius Caesar and joking that an assassination would be 'interesting' to bring back.

Mulaney, 37, shared the remark during his opening monologue on Saturday Night Live's latest episode.

The SNL alum began by noting that the show fell on a Leap Year, which was created by Julius Caesar, and that the Roman military man ultimately met his demise when stabbed during a Senate session on March 15, 44 BC.

'[Caesar] started the Leap Year in order to correct the calendar and we still do it to this day,' Mulaney said.



  1. They're always brave when they are in snowflake country.

  2. See how close these wackos are to lining those who disagree against a wall and shot and they say the MAGA supporters are the violent ones!
    Well lets just say when the revolution starts their kind wont be around long, but we dont shoot those that cower and hide nor will it be against a wall.
    The tree of liberty needs his kind for some watering

  3. Replaced on SNL because he thought he could make it like Adam Sandler. A Television series, which was a pathetic Seinfeld knockoff, failed early and horribly. Netflix special, sucks. SNL appearance, meh. Nothing left but follow the main stream and be a political comedic hack. Who goes to those shows? Moronic liberal idiots who just want to see someone who is kinda famous. Don't feed the monkeys, just ignore them or make it extremely uncomfortable for them to keep doing it. Start with a thumbs down on Netflix.

    1. 7:57 accurate comments. John Mulaney is a really funny comedian. He had a couple of excellent, sidesplitting specials. I thought, man, this guys gonna be good.

      But just like a lot of one or two hit wonders, he is learning that it is hard to perform at that level on a consistent basis. his early stuff is super funny. His latest stuff just seems like he’s run out of good ideas.

      This happens to athletes, musicians, and even artists. that is why it is remarkable to see an athlete with a 20 year career, a songwriter with a 20 year career, an artist who continually puts out good work over 20 years.

      John Mulaney started out well, but certainly did not rise to that elite level of comedians. his creativity has pretty much petered out.

  4. Secret service visit


  5. Should be staying at Graybar Hotel as a guest of the Secret Service before his trial. There is a fine line to 1st A, and he intentionally went well beyond it.

  6. He is Jewish
    The producer is Jewish
    The writers are Jewish

    You Goyim just want to complain out of jealousy

  7. 8:19. Mulaney is Catholic.

    1. Lol

      That’s his cover
      Ever heard of crypto-Jews?

      Sorteo, Trump, Bush, Clinton, Biden.

      Get it?

  8. Why not stab him? They have been crucifying him for 3 years.


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