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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Senate Homeland Committee To Issue First Subpoena In Biden-Burisma Probe

Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) plans to force a vote to issue the first subpoena linked to his probe involving Hunter Biden and Ukrainian energy firm, Burisma Holdings.

Johnson sent a letter to members of his committee on Sunday saying that it is his "intention to schedule a business meeting to consider a committee subpoena" of a former consultant for Blue Star Strategies, which Johnson noted worked as a U.S. representative for Burisma.
"As part of the committee's ongoing investigation, it has received U.S. government records indicating that Blue Star sought to leverage Hunter Biden's role as a board member of Burisma to gain access to, and potentially influence matters at, the State Department," Johnson wrote in the letter to committee members. -The Hill


  1. Don't Forget Old Man BIDEN too , Not just the son & daughter !!

    His campaign will be FINISHED !!!!

  2. Lock THEM UP !!!

  3. Wake him up first, then Lock him up !!! LOL


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