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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Schumer taking credit for GOP or bipartisan ideas

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer on Wednesday touted a number of concessions Democrats won in the $2 trillion economic rescue package by holding out, including more unemployment insurance, more money for hospitals and additional oversight of where loans for corporations would go.

Mr. Schumer said in a letter to his Democratic colleagues that their unity “strengthened their hand” and that the public is benefiting “from Senate Democrats’ resolve in fighting to put workers first.”

Not so fast, according to Republicans, who say Mr. Schumer is taking credit for provisions that were GOP ideas or received little opposition.

“To sum up, Senator Schumer delayed lifesaving aid to medical professionals and significant relief for families and small businesses in order to claim credit for wins that are either bipartisan or Republican ideas,” said a senior GOP aide.



  1. Of course the moron is. Where's he been anyway? Hunkerd down with Biden.

  2. Scheeeemer Don't get ANY credit !!! Pelosi either !!!!

  3. He should be in JAIL for threatening Supreme Court Justices on Video !!!!

  4. Of course he is and rightfully so . Moscow Mitch gave the Senate 24 to 48 hours notice on the largest spending package in the United States History which was TOTALLY partisan. You all know that !!

    We want bipartisanship and now you complain because you receive it?

  5. They ALL have to toot their own horns on this. It's the only work the dems have done in the last three years that wasn't anti-Trump related.

  6. So 8:32 what do you say to the over 300 bills sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk from the House? Get informed


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