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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Russia Has Recorded Zero Coronavirus Deaths

Even as coronavirus ravages the rest of Europe, Russia, which closed its entire border back in January, still has zero recorded deaths from COVID-19.

What a stunning coincidence.

The latest numbers out of Russia show that just 28 people are recorded to be infected with coronavirus. There have been zero fatalities.

Compare these numbers to other European countries.

  • – Italy has 15,113 recorded infections and 1,016 total deaths.
  • – Spain has 3,059 recorded infections and 86 total deaths.
  • – France has 2,281 recorded infections and 48 total deaths.
  • – Germany has 2,512 recorded infections and 5 total deaths.
  • – The UK has 590 recorded infections and 10 total deaths.



  1. BC they locked down there boarders Jan 3.

  2. Is it all the alcohol they drink?

  3. Not sure I believe what Russia or China claim.

  4. Bahamas has zero infections.

  5. Assuming they are reporting the truth and assuming they have tested every single person with even the slightly of similar symptoms...

  6. They didn't die, they just disappeared.

  7. It's in Salisbury now. Jewelry store in salisbury mall closed today.

    1. Someone tested today for coronovirus. Was neg for flu and was she to the ER due to her symptoms. There is concern she has the virus. They closed the store due to the risk. But the security told concerned employees of other stores to keep their mouths shut about it and the mall stays open.

    2. It is still flu season, people can become sick without having the cov-19

  8. Yet the Democrats do not care how many people of our country die because they want to ban keeping people out of the country. If truth is known about this man made virus the top Democrats are probably in cahoots with China on this virus for POLITICAL reasons only!!! After all China hates Trump.

    1. Your comment is indicative of the poorly educated problem in the US.

      First of all, it is obvious that the virus was a bioweapon because it started with a 15% kill rate, and it quickly degraded over a short period of time.

      Secondly, it is more likely the US attacked China with the weapon as opposed to the Chinese Government accidentally poisoning its own population.

      Finally, the Left vs. Right political paradigm is designed to keep people confused. Mr Trump was very good friends with Killery, and probably ran in 2016 to help get her elected. They both worked for the same Chabad Crime Syndicate in Russia.

    2. The virus draws no line between replication or democrat

    3. So says Langley

  9. Because it is to damn cold in russia

  10. Poorly educated in US yet you go on to lecture us that you have all the Facts which I doubt you can prove. Talk about poorly educated.

  11. They have the SECRET antidote !!!!

  12. 2:14

    Rod Serling is proud of you.

  13. It's because Russia had sense enough to close their borders . This is what Trump has been trying to do since the beginning of his term. But you idiot Liberals and democrats screamed racist. While trump was trying to protect American citizens. Think about that for a while all unnecessary if we had gone with the Trump plan to protect us instead of trying to block everything he tried to accomplish.


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