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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Rhode Island will knock on doors and stop cars to find New Yorkers to slow the spread of coronavirus

Rhode Island's governor said Friday that law enforcement officers will stop cars and knock on doors in coastal communities to identify people who've been to New York state, joining other states in restricting the movements of out-of-state visitors to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Kentucky's governor says he is considering closing the border between Kentucky and Tennessee, and checkpoints have been set up in the Florida Keys to restrict access.

"Right now, we have a pinpointed risk that we need to address, and we need to be very serious and that risk is called New York City," said Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo at a news conference Friday.

Starting Saturday, Rhode Island law enforcement officers and the National Guard will be "going door-to-door" in coastal communities, asking people if they've been to New York and requesting their contact information, she said.


  1. Wonder if Ocean City will do the same? I know for a fact that a lot of New York/PA residents came to Ocean City to stay in their vacation properties. They also were out and about trying to do updates on their properties.

  2. More info should be released. Like age, trace contact, pre existing conditions. Were they around people in the county at any time?
    If it was me, i'd want the community to know all the circumstances.

  3. Saw PA license plates yesterday on my way to drive thru pharmacy. Damn them anyway.

  4. Concerned citizens. Get in you cars and canvass your neighborhoods for NY tags in the driveways and parking lots. Then call the state police and report where you see them. Your life may depend on it.

  5. March 28, 2020 at 10:26 AM
    Me also.
    The first patient here released his info, which I commend him for.

  6. Now they will steal license plates. 😁

    1. 11:08. Correct. Black market plates.

  7. Sunday looks like it will be pleasant. How will OC enforce the boardwalk ban?

  8. March 28, 2020 at 11:08 AM:

    But that gets reported too.

  9. Close the tunnel and the bridge.

  10. Government here does not have the guts needed to do the job necessary. Too many snowflakes in office.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  11. How about driving out the Delaware scum while we are at it.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Our society is beginning to disintegrate as a result if the panic wildfire created and sustained by the media as well as the restrictions on everyday life enforced by government and politicians. If things do not improve in a short time, That along with pre-existing crime and racial issues will eventually lead to civil disobedience, violence and bloodshed. Especially if the supply chain is interrupted or broken. At that point, marauders will be coming to take whatever you have. May have to trade toilet paper for your life. Not saying that the restriction on freedom of movement is a bad thing but it will contribute to the further breakdown.

  13. When will Salisbury start Knocking on doors ??? Sheriff would LOVE it !!

  14. March 28, 2020 at 8:17 PM:

    Creative fiction writing, at it's worst. Trying to see if someone will read and share your fantasy. You have hermit cabin fever.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: Ok 11:34, take all the shots you like. They just bounce off as my comments are made from personal experience and observation and you are clearly, entitled to yours. This virus issue is very serious and you can’t convince me that desperate people who run out of sustaining supplies will meekly sit by and experience the effects of starvation and not take drastic action to save themselves, their family and even their pets. Imagine a city like Atlanta or Baltimore having empty shelves in grocery stores because of a breakdown of their delivery system or our medical facilities overwhelmed by masses of seriously ill and dying patients. I’m not predicting this but the reality is that this is a distinctly possible scenario. As an example, an unexpected April snowstorm occurred in Atlanta a few years ago that disrupted re-supply of grocery stores for a period of several days and as a result, there were numerous homicides with customers fighting over remaining items in those stores. Fights have already broken out in stores like Costco where customers have tried to hoard items and leave nothing behind for others. I’m a realist as a result of having resided in 13 states, worked in law enforcement in at least five major cities and observed the worst of human nature down at the street level. If your experience has been similar or as varied and not based upon emotion and speculation, I’m willing to consider your thoughts and refute my dire concern regarding the possibility of societal collapse. Your input is highly desirable as I sincerely would like to have my concerns substantially refuted so I can sleep better at night.


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