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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Researchers: 69 Drugs May Be Effective Against Coronavirus Including Chloroquine

Scientists have recently identified 69 drugs and experimental compounds that may be effective in combating the novel coronavirus.

On Sunday, the New York Times reported:
Some of the medications are already used to treat other diseases, and repurposing them to treat Covid-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, may be faster than trying to invent a new antiviral from scratch, the scientists said.

The list of drug candidates appeared in a study published on the web site bioRxiv. The researchers have submitted the paper to a journal for publication.
The Trump administration has slashed red tape to distribute unapproved therapies and vaccines to patients in need faster and to identify effective drugs. Health officials have named the virus itself SARS CoV-2 and the illness caused by the virus COVID-19.



  1. That's a great number!

  2. Militaries ALWAYS have the antidote before releasing bioweapons. Always.

  3. 10:11
    Excellent point!

    The media and US Government are lying to us

  4. Do any of you know who holds the patent on the virus ...? And yes you can patent it before you get on here and act like I’m wrong. You patent the virus so that when a cure is found the company that finds it controls it and profits from it.... BILL GATES look it up!

  5. GET the MEDS out to America > Ramp it up !!! Sounds like it is Working !!!!

  6. Marajuana MUST be one of those !!! It cures everything else lately !!!

  7. How about Moonshine ??

  8. China has the Cure, but it will Cost you to get it !!! Ransom $$$$

  9. Well, break them out and start giving them to those infected. What the hell are they waiting for? Oh, that's right.......more DNRs.


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