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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Rashida Tlaib promotes Linda Sarsour book while wearing T-shirt that says 'Palestine' over map of Israel

Rep. Rashida Tlaib was photographed promoting controversial activist Linda Sarsour’s new book while wearing a T-shirt depicting Israel covered in Arabic letters that spell "Palestine."

“Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's t-shirt doesn't exactly scream 'two-state solution,’" Alex VanNess, a fellow at the Endowment for Middle East Truth, tweeted Monday, along with a photo of the Michigan Democrat proudly holding up the book while sporting the shirt with Arabic writing and the colors of the Palestinian flag.

The Washington Examiner independently confirmed that the writing translates to the word "Palestine."



  1. I really would like to know if she had this position before she was elected.

  2. Gitmo for this BITCH.

  3. Can we say “sedition “?

  4. Treasonous POS, wouldn't expect anything less from her, nothing but a Soros deep state plant!

  5. She’s so stupid she doesn’t know she’s stupid.

  6. Terrorist supporting terrorist. I am more concerned as to how, what and who elected her !!! That district needs to be on a watch list. And that includes her buddies districts too!!. Pools of terroist? commies? or just ignorant idiots? Whatever they are... its concerning.

  7. Fruitlander says:
    At 8:44 p.m., you are sniffing it out. About where she's located and the people who voted her in. These are small enclaves people of Islam, and as they grow they will control more power day by day once they get Beyond 20% they will become more aggressive and are pushing to control with Sharia.

  8. Agree with 10:56 pm. Obama put these people in our society for that purpose. Watch how Salisbury. When I first moved to the Eastern Shore I was amazed the number of Muslims living in Salisbury. I thought why would they move to the Eastern Shore - now I know. Scary

  9. Why didn't King David do what he was told if he had this wouldn't be news.


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