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Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Attorneys for the Potomac man who was fatally shot Thursday by a member of the Montgomery County Police Department Tactical Unit said the man and his girlfriend were asleep when the shooting began and that police “murdered” him.

However, the police believe that is not what happened and said they are investigating the incident.

According to police, “During the warrant service, the suspect confronted the officers and was fatally shot by an officer assigned to the Tactical Unit.”

Members of the MCPS’s Special Operations Division – Tactical Unit were in the process of serving what they called a “high-risk warrant” related to firearms offenses at that address when the shooting occurred, according to a news release from the police department.



  1. Cops dont bust in shoot for no reason. Specially TAC officers...

    1. That's exactly what they usually do 1023

  2. Anonymous said...
    Cops dont bust in shoot for no reason. Specially TAC officers...

    March 18, 2020 at 10:23 AM

    Not always, but there are always bad apples. I support the police 99.9% of the time and I have run into some bad police officers in Salisbury that I don't trust.

  3. From what I am reading this whole incident doesn't pass the smell test but we will know more when the body cams are viewed.

  4. "Lemp was prohibited from possessing firearms, and detectives were following up on a complaint from the public that Lemp did have firearms."

    So... If Lemp was prohibited from possessing a fire arm ^^ then why does the paragraph below state that "No resident of the home had any criminal record" then why was Lemp "prohibited from possessing firearms??"

    "Attorneys Rene Sandler and Jonathan Fellner noted that while police did have a search warrant, that warrant “makes no mention of any imminent threat to law enforcement or the community. No resident of the home had any criminal record.”"

    1. May have had a medical cannabis card. Ridiculously that prohibits firearm ownership. Good excuse for a stasi raid.

  5. 10:51 Explain to me, how a guy with no PRIOR CRIMINAL HISTORY even leading up to the shooting, can have violated this????? How can you have gun charges but never have been in trouble with the law?????? And the cops shot this man in his bed, while he was a sleep, but I don't expect you to believe me, for I think out side of the box and use my own brain and education... I know you people are good little slaves so, mums the word right????

    1. He had juvenile convictions that made him prohibited, but they are not allowed to talk about juvenile records. Point is, a lot of idiots believed he was shot, while asleep, from a cop that was outside the mansion.

  6. Lemp refused to comply with the officer’s commands and proceeded towards the interior bedroom door where other officers were located,” according to MCPD.

    There, police saw Lemp, who had a rifle, the statement noted.

    When police searched the residence, they discovered what they called a booby trap affixed to the inside of the exterior door leading to Lemp’s bedroom. Montgomery County Fire Marshals were called in to deactivate the device.

    “The device was designed as a ‘booby trap’ intended to detonate a shotgun shell at the direction of anyone entering through the exterior door into Lemp’s bedroom,” according to the news release.

    1. Fire Marshals were called in to deactivate the device. I don't think so, foundation savers are not trained for that. Some sheeple will believe anything though

  7. Like everything else handled by government, the "no knock" warrants are being abused. No excuse for it, those firearms could have been owned by any other adult in that home.

  8. 109 your question is a fantasy.

  9. 303 thank you for information And now I can understand why they fired on him.


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